Do I have a chance at any UC?

I started caring for college way too late into my school career to save my gpa. Anyways here’s my info.

Unweight: 3.33
Weighted: 3.38
UC Weighted: 3.33

SAT(2400): 1740 (retesting soon)
Reading: 630
Writing: 560
ACT: 27
Class rank: 119/389

Extra circulars:

FBLA 4 Years
ASB/Student gov 4 Years (Executive board for 2 years)
Track team (varsity) 4 Years
BuildOn 2 Years
Senior Class President

Extra info:
I received a D+ in trig, but made it up at city college, getting a B. It won’t replace my transcript grade, but its on my transcript.
I took the AP English test, received a 3.
In senior year, I am taking 3 AP Classes (AP Art, AP Stats, AP Calc AB)

My dream college is UCI, but I don’t think I will make it due to my gpa. I really don’t want to go to Merced, but if its the last choice I will. What do you guys think of my chances at any other UCs?

Your best chances for a UC are Merced and Riverside. The 2015 Freshman admit rate for UCI with a GPA of 3.0-3.39 was 4% The admit rate is University wide and does not take into account test scores, EC’s and essays along with competitive majors which would have higher standards. UCSC could be possible but I would definitely try to bump up your test scores. I would look at some of the Cal States as solid Match/Safety schools.

Good Luck.

If UCI is your top choice, you should consider going to a community college and using TAG for UCI. If you meet the GPA and course requirements for TAG, then you are guaranteed admission.

Here is some info:

Thanks for the reply! I don’t think I will be able to go to a community college as my parents probably will not let me. So I either have to get lucky with my personal statements and hope they like me or Riverside it is.

I happen to think UCR is very underrated and you should do well wherever you end up. Where you go for undergrad will not define you but is what you do once you get there that will make all the difference. Good Luck.

I think you will have difficulty getting into UCR. Your GPA is below the middle 25 to 75% of admits for 2016 while your SAT score around the middle or low middle. UCM might be a better option. You should consider the CSU’s per Gumbymom’s suggestion.

I am with the consensus, your stats are going to make admission into any UC a challenge (unless you are ELC. You should certainly apply but, recognize the odds are prettty long.

Take a look at Cal Poly Pomona, Chico and Sonoma.