What are my chances of getting into uc schools. (please help)

uc gpa- 4.14
weighted gpa - 4.25

lots of volunteer hours (1000 +)
went to mexico on a missions trip
had a consistent job for 2 years
started my own cinematography business
robotics club (1 year)
lots of ap classes (10)

Test scores?
Which campuses? Intended Major?

ACT: 33
ucsb, ucla, ucb

I’d say UCSB is a safety, the other two, not so much. Did you do anything consistently throughout all 4 years, or do you just have scattered ECs? Because top colleges like UCLA and Cal typically want to see that you’re dedicated to one thing in particular. The volunteer hours are good, but what are they from? How successful is your business? If the answers to my questions are mostly negative, then UCLA and Cal might be reaches.

Freshman admits with UC GPA of 3.80-4.19
UCB: 12%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 39%
UCSB: 49%
UCD: 52%
UCI: 57%
UCSC: 83%
UCR: 90%
UCM: 92%

UCSB is a Match-High Match, not a safety for Engineering. Your test scores are competitive along with your GPA but the top UC’s are tough admits. Hope you have some safeties.

Good luck.

k, i have consistently been a part of the robotics program at my school.
im planning on getting ACT up to 34 next time.
is there anything i could do now that would help me?

also for ucla, it says 25-75 percent accepted uc gpa is 4.12 - 4.30

The 25th-75th percentiles for UCLA are based on the capped/weighted not uncapped fully weighted so your 4.14 is just above the 25th percentile.

so what should i do to help my chances

You haven’t applied yet?

no im a junior