What are my chances to get into Stanford, UCLA, UC Berkeley, USC..? Hispanic student.

<p>SAT: 1600-1700
GPA: Weighted 4.0, Unweighted 3.75
Class rank 5 percent.
-Participated in Marshall Brennan Program
-Have taken(including the ones I'm enrolled) 7 AP courses
AP Spanish
AP English Lang/Comp
AP US History
AP Calculus
AP English Lit/Comp
AP Macroeconomics
AP Calculus BC
-I am Mexican-American
-Parents were migrant farm workers
-Have been in varsity cross country and track since freshman year.
-Best times: 1600m- 4:20, 800m- 2:00
-Goals for senior year: 1600m- 4:12 800m- 1:56 3200m- 9:10
-All county team for cross country for my junior year.
- Qualified for State Championships for Cross Country and Section Championships for track
- Captain for Track and Cross Country for 3 years
-Won Freshman, Sophomore, Junior Athlete of the year from my school.
-Reside in one of the most socioeconomically deprived areas.
-First generation to attend college
- Family size 8 and low income $40,000-50,000
-In Junior Exchange and in a Peer Tutoring Club, 50-70 hours.
- Planning to get 4.0 this semester</p>

<p>Ok first things first, if you want a chance at the top top schools, your gonna need a higher standarized test scores than a 1700 for most people. Try 2000+. Take the ACT? its usually easier for most people and more do well on it. Other wise your situation could be well stated in your essays and can work to your benefit. As a fellow track star, I suggest finding schools that are interested in track recruits also, and then contact those coaches.</p>

<p>^agreed, if not 2000+ SAT, at least 1900+. 1800+ at LEAST.</p>

<p>Or, try ACT. Anything above 30 is competitive. </p>

<p>Remember, academics still come first in college admissions no matter what.</p>

<p>Yeah i know i have low SAT scores but I mentioned my situation and wrote good essays. Ill start contacting coaches and see what happens from there. Thanks for responding.</p>

<p>I have a question, do colleges consider the school you attend because at my school the average SAT score is low. The highest SAT score from our school is like 2000.</p>


<p>I’m sure you know that your times are competitive but they really could be your hook. I know Stanford has quite a good cross and TF program that may accept you for recruiting purposes.</p>

<p>Nice PBs and good luck.</p>

<p>Is being a URM another hook? what are my chances to the other schools.</p>

<p>chance anyone</p>