What are my chances to UC Berkeley and UCLA?

-UC unweighted GPA: 3.8333
-UC weighted GPA: 4.5125
-Leader of young leaders club
-varsity wrestler
-club soccer player
-250 service hours
-15 AP classes (total in high school year)

17 AP classes*

You look like a competitive applicant but consider both as Reach schools. Decisions will be out within the next 2 weeks and then you will know for sure.

Best of luck.

Do I not have a strong chance reaching those schools? Thank you for answering.

Based on your stats, you are competitive but your whole application will be considered so stats alone will not get you in.

alright, thanks for answering!

Test scores?

SAT 1560

You didn’t mention what major.

a 4.51 UCGPA is just about mathematically impossiblr (due to the 8 semester AP bump cap),

That said, if your capped GPA is above 4.2, you look like a competitive applicant.
good luck

Electrical engineering

freshmen year: 1 B in cp English 9
sophomore year: 2 Bs in honors precalc, 1 B in Spanish 3, 1 B in Honors English
(I really screwed up my sophomore year)
summer: 2 A in AP psych
junior year: 2 Bs AP Lang
summer: 2 A in AP physics C
senior year: 1 B in AP Lit

total:8 Bs, 60 As

with 6 Bs in 10-11 you’re looking at a UC weighted capped GPA at around 4.05. For UCB CoE especially in EECS is unlikely, or a high reach at best. Same for UCLA EE. You would have to have some really really compelling essays and ECs. Your stats are good but you are competing against hundreds who have a similar SAT score with 4.0 unweighted GPAs.

with a 4.05 UCGPA those campuses will be an uphill climb.

Hoping you applied broadly.

good luck.

thank you

would you say that its a target school? My ECs are that I play guitar in a band and do lighting for my church.

Both are Reach schools regardless of your competitive stats. Take a look at the UCLA decision thread for this year to get an idea of what is expected.
