What are my chances!?!!?!? UC IRVINE

<p>I applied to transfer to UCI for the fall 09 semester.</p>

<p>My GPA from a community college is a 2.8 and I applied to the Film and Media Theory major.</p>

<p>I have 4 W's on my transcript</p>

<p>My written statement/essays were alright. Not GREAT.</p>


<p>I think you just might make it i say about 65%</p>

<p>Below a 3.0 does not look good to the UCs so Id prolly guesstimate 40% chance.</p>

<p>i’d say about 40-50% chance too.
it’s also harder to get in this year because the economy is so bad :stuck_out_tongue:
and i don’t think they really look at essays, mostly GPA and major pre-reqs, but i’m not positive on that</p>

<p>is 2.8 enough this year to sign a TAA? It used to be back when i was in CC- not sure if they raised the GPA or not.</p>

<p>W’s really dont matter.
My UCI representative told me that they consider any one above 2.8 to have a decent shot.
But since you are on the borderline, i would say 49-51% .
I just hope that you have done better than 2.8 in your Major prep classes.</p>

<p>haha, loopinc, i think it’s awesome that you went through the extra effort to make sure not to give him an inaccurate estimation of 50%. way to account for that margin of error.</p>

<p>i’m guessing that Film and Media Theory fall under Visual and Performing arts. if that’s the case, then here:</p>

<p>at UCI in 2007, 93 CCC students applied to that major with GPAs ranging from 2.4-2.99.
41 of them got in = 44.1% chance.
BUT, you should keep in mind that most of those people were probably between 2.8 and 2.99.</p>

<p>good luck</p>

<p>Actually, I think Film & Media’s in the School of Humanities. Sorry, don’t know what their average transfer stats are, but the minimum TAG GPA for School of Humanities is 2.7</p>

<p>Wow, I expected everyone to tell bartondo to wake up and set his sights on Cal State Bakersfield or something. I’m shocked that he actually has a halfway decent shot. Not to be pompous, but that makes me feel much better about my situation.</p>

<p>You gotta consider the major which she is applying for.</p>

<p>the irony of the major is that it is extremely harder to get into at UCLA which is only an hour away…not that it is a bad thing or anything.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot, really appreciated</p>


lol how is it ironic that UCLA is more competitive than UCI?</p>

<p>chibi, i know! it’s so unfair… stanford and san francisco state are less than an hour away from one another, offer some of the same majors, and all of the majors at stanford are harder to be admitted to! granted, they’re different institutions altogether, employing different professors, with different research departments, and different amounts and allocations of funding, and, yeah, they have different facilities and practices, disproportionate alumni networks, off balanced market values on degrees… totally ironic.</p>


<p>sarcasm ppl, calm down…</p>

<p>you can’t just defend yourself by saying that you were being sarcastic.
misuse of the word ‘irony’ is not sarcasm.
it’s silly.</p>

<p>Anyone else? The general consensus here seems to be that I have a 50/50 chance of admission. Any other takers??</p>

<p>2.8 gpa transfer student. Film/Media Studies.</p>

<p>Film/Media Studies at UCI, no offense, doesn’t sound like a cut-throat competitive program. Then again, your GPA is on the low side. Who knows.</p>

<p>I would say less than 50% chance. “83% of admitted students report a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher”
[UC</a> Irvine - Office of Admissions and Relations with Schools](<a href=“http://www.admissions.uci.edu/f08_as_profile.html]UC”>http://www.admissions.uci.edu/f08_as_profile.html)</p>

<p>The problem with UCI is that many of the people trying to transfer to the higher ranked UC’s that have high gpas usually apply to UCI as a backup even though they really don’t have any intention to attend.</p>

<p>oh im so sorry pinkerfloyd for misusing words in an poor attempt at being sarcastic. i would have assumed that it was clear sarcasm since it attacked UCLA’s rep despite my record of defending UCLA, talking about how much i love UCLA, how much i want to go there, etc etc. </p>

<p>my bad…</p>

<p>on a serious note to the op, grey has it right. it isnt cut-throat compared to ucla, and therefore you might have a chance. you could always try to appeal in as well.</p>