What are my chances (UIUC)

I just found out that University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has free tuition for freshmans whose family’s income is 61k & under. I wanted to know if I had any chance of getting in … at all. I’m not sure what major I want to pursue yet so I will probably apply to Division of General Studies. Here are my stats

Illinois resident
African American
High school senior
Rank: 13/464
SAT: 1190 (bad, I know)
GPA: 4.05(weighted) 3.9(uw)
ECs: job as a server- 1 year
Volunteer at a pet shelter- 2 months
Environmental club-2 months ( I stopped bc of my job)
AP/Honors- Hon Government, Hon Economics, Hon US History, Hon English 11, AP Language& Comp, Later American History(college course at a community college)

I’m attending the SAA celebration they invited me to… so maybe that will help a little? I’m also thinking about retaking my SAT. Ik my ECs are lacking, A LOT. But yea, just let me know :slight_smile:

You’re looking good! Yes, you want to try to bring your SAT up a little, but your class rank and GPA are where they need to be. Those are more important to UIUC than EC’s, although EC’s are considered.

Great, I needed the advice. Thanks!

GPA is good,test score is on the low side although still decent chance for DGS. Increasing it would help. You might conside taking the ACT. Note that the complete rules for that new tuition free program have not yet been clearly defined. It is limited to Illinois residents.The 61K is not the only criteria; the family can own no more than 50K in total assets (homes, cars, bank accounts, investments,possibly others) It says if family income is 61K or under there will be no charge for tuition and campus fees. “Family income” includes amounts you might make in a part-time job, and what has not been explained yet is what happens if your family income is just over 61K, e.g., such as $61,001, or what happens in the second, third, or fourth year if income increases to above 61K.


Get the sat up or act. Lots of people will be applying for this. Your grade point might compensate a bit for it. Invited and going to the saa won’t hurt. Talk to your regional college person when there or email them and ask questions about this program. It is a legitimate question and gives you contact with the person that might review your application. Email today and ask and let them know you were invited to the saa and plan on attending.

Yea you’re right, “free tuition” may sound too good to be true. I’m going to ask questions about it. Thanks a lot, though!

Family assets have to be under $50,000. It doesn’t include room and board. You can find some more info on their website

Thanks @Nicki20 , I just checked online and am going to make sure that I qualify before I apply

No harm in applying as long as you have a safety school or two, just in case you are not accepted. Hopefully you would know for certain if you qualify for the tuition aid program before you have to make a selection next April.

Especially for Illinois residents, do reach out to your high school’s counseling resources…they might have very good insights as to how students from your school fare in Illinois admissions. Definitely lots of details to vet with the new tuition aid program, and other posters made really good points regarding trying to figure out how aid programs will work through your whole 4+ years in undergrad.

@illinoisx3 @IL2023 @knowstuff @Groundwork2022 @drusba Thanks a lot for the feedback ! I’m going to speak to my counselor and parents about it & ask questions about the aid program at the SAA celebration

@illinoisx3 need your guidance on the chances… My weighted GPA is little under 4.0. Good SAT (1530) and ACT (35) scores. have a lot of ECs and has completed the first and second major essays. Interested in Bio Engineering. (1) what do you think are my chances (2) what are the EA admittance rates… Is the chances better if I do EA vs RD? Also, if I apply for EA sooner, will i get decisions sooner or all decisions come only around mid December ? Thanks.

@angeltalk great stats. They have new scholarships this year. Hopefully you will get one especially if your instate

Just reread
What is you unweighted GPA? I also no reason not to apply EA

@Knowsstuff @illinoisx3

Unweighted is probably around 3.7. we are OOS.

Is there an advantage of applying earlier than Nov 1rst?

any stats available on acceptance rates for EA? Thanks

There is no advantage to applying earlier than November 1st.