<p>State: California
Race: White/25%Japanese
Gender: Male
GPA: Weighted - 4.68 Unweighted - 3.82
I had 1 B freshman year, All As sophomore year, 1 B first semester junior year and ended with 2 Cs in the end of my Junior Year due to medical issues that caused me to be out of school for a little over a month. This Year should be all As for me with my schedule.</p>
<p>ACT: 27(Test Run), 34
SAT Subject Tests: 790 Math 2, English - 650 (retaking I think)</p>
<p>Freshman classes: Honors Physics, Honors Algebra 2, Jazz Band (first semester only because of school switch), Honors English 9, Soccer, Spanish 5/6 (A, A, A, A, A, B respectively), Color and Design(Second semester, A)</p>
<p>Sophomore Classes: English 10 Honors, Pre-Calc Honors, AP World History, MAT 131, MAT 141, Biology Honors, Soccer (A,A,A,A,A,A,A)</p>
<p>Junior Classes: AP Lit, AP Calc AB, AP US History, AP Environmental Science, MAT 111, MAT 121, Soccer (B,A,A,A,A,A,A first semester) , (C,B,C,A,A,A,A)</p>
<p>Senior Classes: English 110/111 (At local CC), Film Production, AP Calc BC, Chemistry 101(At local CC), AP Physics, Math Honors Society, AP Government, History 102(At Local CC), AP Macroeconomics, I expect to get an A in all of these classes</p>
<p>Note: The MAT classes are all multimedia classes that are part of something called the MAD program which is stands for multimedia arts and design and it is an academy within my school.</p>
<p>Note: I am taking History 102 to make up for my C in AP US History last semester and replace that with an A, and I didn't have time to do that with the english class so I guess that will just have to stay there. I will be trying to explain the situation as best I can on my applications with my health problems caused from family issues.</p>
<p>Recommendations: My AP Environmental Science Teacher who thought I was an amazing student so that is good, my AP Physics teacher who I have had before and my AP Calculus teacher who I had last year as well. I do not have a humanities recommendation because my english teacher from last year is pregnant and not at the school for now. Also my history teacher and I didn't end the year very well.</p>
<p>ECs: Soccer, History Club, Math Honors Society, CTY JHU (Center for talented youth, a program run by Johns Hopkins which I did for 6 years, You need to test into the program in 5th grade and 7th grade. The 7th grade test was harder, needing to score a 1750 or above I believe on the SAT), MAD Academy, Internship, Community Service in Arizona building houses on a Native American Reservation.</p>
<p>These are schools that I am applying to and what I believe are my chances</p>
<p>Georgia Tech (Number 1 pick) - Match
Johns Hopkins - Match (due to CTY JHU program and I have someone on the board helping me with the process and doing what he can to help me get in)
Stanford - Reach
CAL Tech - Major Reach
Cal Poly - Safety
UCs - Some safety, some match, some slight reach
Columbia - Reach
UPenn - Reach
Harvey Mudd - Reach I think
Rice - Not sure, my counselor suggested I apply
University of British Columbia - Safety, I think, was a suggestion as well</p>
<p>What I think may not be right though and I would appreciate any feedback.</p>