<p>Please don't be too brutal ; ;~</p>
<p>State: California
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian (not Hispanic) </p>
<p>GPA: 3.44 weighted (doesn't show weighted).
Unfortunately my mother had to get multiple surgeries Freshman - Junior years, so my GPA took a dive because I was taking care of her, my younger family members, and non family members when my house had construction done on it (having half a house and no kitchen for nearly a year is NOT fun :D).
SAT: (Obviously going to retake them; I studied over the summer, and am aiming for 1800+)
Math - 420
English - 530
Writing - 520
SATII: Biology E - 590
English - 490</p>
<p>AP/Honors classes taken:
English Honors Sophomore + Junior year.
World History Honors Sophomore Year
AP Biology Junior Year
AP English Lit/Comp this year (senior year).
I was planning on taking AP chemistry and/or AP Physics this year, but I couldn't switch out of French -.-; </p>
<p>Extra Curriculars:
-Japanese for Three years at a language center(Outside of School/Not a Community College).
-Non-medical Human Subject for a Stanford research project
-Performed a research project with Stanford on Alcohol affecting different races
-I'm not sure if I'm going to include this in apps, but I've been working for a family company for about four years, and recently started translating documents into Japanese for said company, and in the process of translating the website into Japanese also.
-General Member of Photography Club Sophomore Year
-General Member of Key Club and Movie Club Junior Year (joining both again this year)
-I've talked to a doctor about interning for him, and plan to do so VERY soon if I get an okay.
-Mock Trial this year </p>
<p>I plan on applying to:
Parents are forcing my to apply to UC Davis (not that I have anything against UCD)
UC Riverside
UC Merced
University of Washington - Seattle