<p>gpa: u-3.7 w-4.1 (upward trend)
rank: top 10% (class size of 490)</p>
<p>extracurriculars: </p>
<p>National Honor Society
It's Academic
Model UN
Math Team
Varsity Hockey
Varsity Swimming
Street Hockey Club (co-founder)
County Computer Science Programming Competition
Habitat For Humanity: Fall 2005
State's Attorney's Office volunteer
Filmsters Academy</p>
<p>alumni relation: father</p>
<p>6 AP courses this year, weighted gpa: 4.83</p>
<p>i know sats are hurting me, but i am wondering what people on here think my chances are.</p>
<p>i'd still say decent shot bcuz ED + legacy. yea SATs hurt but hopefully they won't kill you. if anything, you could get deferred and i'd say still get in RD if maybe you uped your scores (take the test again in january, it's easier). as long as you made yourself look like a fit at a specific program, like with essays and stuff and gearing your ECs toward a hook of some sort, i think that you have an ok chance. good luck!!</p>
<p>you stand a chance. i think the legacy will definitely help you, and i've seen people with lower scores than yours who have gotten in because of legacy. and since you applied early, that's the equivalent of a 100 points added to your SAT.</p>
<p>that's what that princeton studies says...legacy applicants gets 160 points advantage in average regardless of the what scheme they apply under...since cornell encourages legacies to apply early...i m guessing u get a even bigger advantage...specially cornell is known to be more lenient to legacies than the other ivies...so i guess it's more than 160points advantage anyway...
from a friend who used to work parttime in the admissions office at cornell (he's a cornell student) legacy is like a hook for ED , and a tip for RD</p>
<p>well thats good. i'm surprised that legacy is that helpful since he hasn't made any donations. </p>
<p>as far as my essays go, i connected my self contracted film job and that film class i took as well as my computer science interest into why Cornell was the best school for me. I think my recommendations were pretty solid too. I guess i just have to hope whoever reviews my app likes me.</p>
<p>Cornell does not care about legacy in the RD, only ED.
The Assistant Dead of CAS told me this face to face.
(Of course this would not apply if they are huge donators or w.e).</p>
<p>satII: math2-640 physics-630 :(worse than expected</p>
<p>but on the up side, looking over my ec's i forgot to mention my 12 years of piano (which i did remember on my app ) which hopefully will add a little to my "commitment to the liberal arts"</p>
<p>if anyone still cares to asses my chances now it would be appreciated, although i think i can handle 16 more days</p>
<p>their lower 25th %ile sat was 1290 last year...but you are a legacy and a jock and are goin ED. something tells me you might be lucky even with those scores. I dont think satiis are terribly important...
anyone know how they count satIIs?</p>