What are my chances...

<p>I applied ED about a week ago..</p>

<p>Wharton School</p>

<p>secondary school : Christian International School in Malaysia (Dalat internationa school)
(transferred from a korean school in my 9th grade)</p>

<p>Class rank: 3/40
GPA : 3.94 (probably will increase by a great deal by the time I graduate..)</p>

<p>SAT1: Single best: 2260 (CR:690, W:790 M:780)
Best from each section: 2300 (CR:730, W:790 M780)
I took SAT1 three times..</p>

<p>SAT2: Math2: 790
Chem: 730
Chinese: will take it this saturday..</p>

<p>AP exams: Micro Eco-5 (Online class)
Macro Eco-4 (Online class)
I took AP Eco in my junior year</p>

<p>Taking 4 APs this year (World History (online), Calculus AB, Chinese, English)</p>

<p>Extracurricular activities: Student Council business manager (treasurer) 12th grade,
Varsity Soccer 11th Grade, Varsity Softball 11th grade (our<br>
school doesn't have a baseball team.. so softball was my only option),
Peer tutoring (taught Algebra 2 last year; teaching Pre-calculus, AP
Eco, Chemistry ), Religious group discussion, worked in Penang
Butterfly Farm for volunteer work for a year in 9th grade. </p>

<p>Awards: EARCOS Global Citizen Award (11th grade)
Class awards (Pre-calculus, Mandarin 3, World Mission(bible class..), English 10)
Royal Conservatory Music Exam 1st class honor with distinction. (11th grade)
2nd place in a korean math olympiad in 9th grade</p>

<p>detension/ suspension/ expulsion:
got involved in a physical fight and was suspended from school for about
a month and half at the end of my Freshmen year. It was very minor
offense... and I explained it in detail in the common app essay.</p>

<p>Recommendations: i got one from math teacher who taught me for 3 years and gave me a class award (pre-calculus) last year. the other one was from mandarin teacher who also taught me for 3 years and also gave me a class award (mandarin3) last year.</p>

<pre><code> The things I'm worried about are suspension.. math2 and SAT1 math, and not many AP courses.. (but in my school the options for AP courses are really limited),, yea..

<p>why would you be worried about your math scores?</p>

<p>Because you can’t get in with a 790, you need an 800…super important…obviously</p>

<p>I just took SAT 2 chinese today… I guess I did fine…expecting above 750.
but is that true?? that 800 and 790 are totally different??
what about my suspension?? will that affect a lot??</p>

<p>Philolexian was being sarcastic, your scores are great.
As for your suspension… well obviously it’s not a good thing to have your record, but if you explained it then hopefully it won’t go against you too much.</p>

<p>Hey thanks… that gave me some relief.
hmm I am kind of not sure wheter my ECs are strong enough… well I didn’t put it all I achieved, for example I am also in school worship band as a vocalist and also in the school ensemble… but Wharton school is definitely high reach for almost everyone…</p>