What are my chances?

<p>What are my chances of acceptance? </p>


1.Basic Info:**
Gender: Male
School Type: Semi-Competitive and Class of 300
Religion: Jewish (I'm hoping this helps....how many jews go to US service academies? lol)
GPA: 3.5 UW
SAT: 2150 (Math: 680, CR:730, W: 740)
AP/IB: AP World History (4), AP US History (4), AP US Government and Politics (5), AP Comp. Government (5), IB English, AP Enviromental Science (4), AP Language and Composition (5)</p>

1. Debate: Started in 9th grade as novice. Was JV by the end of 9th grade. Captain of the JV team in 10th grade. Captain of the whole entire debate team in 11th grade. Was a top 10 speaker at 90% of the tournaments. Went to Emory National Debate Institute over a summer. Took on extra leadership responsibilities because school is unable to pay for a full time coach. So I coached JV, Novice, and some of Varsity along with dealing with the administrative roles.
2. Cycing:
Started cycling in 8th grade. Became competitive in 10th grade. I'm on a semi-pro team (which is a feeder team to a domestic pro team). Won numerous races, competed regionally. Had the option to go to some national races.</p>

<p>**3. Community Service: **Volunteered for an organization that helps african refugees start life in America (worked as an advisor for career and financial guidance, 50 hours). Second, I designed a website for a non-profit homeless childrens shelter. Third, I voluteered at a legal aid society as a case management intern.</p>

<p>4. Navy League U.S. Attend meetings and assist with legislative affairs.</p>

<p>**5. Civilian Air Patrol Unit **2 hours a week, and 1 saturday a month. I've covered half my flight hours for flight certification. Will be certified by this summer after I obtain more ground school hours, and solo.</p>

<p>6. Internships Each summer since 8th grade I've been doing different types of internships focused on law/government. 8th grade summer I worked at a real estate law firm, 9th grade summer I worked at a civil litigation law firm focusing on insurance subrogation, 10th-11th grade summer I worked as an intern for Senator Saxby Chambliss. During 9th grade year I worked as intern for the International Debate Education Association and Debatepedia doing research and edited articles.</p>

<p>**7. Guitar **Have been taking guitar lessons since 8th grade.</p>

<p>8. Publication and Quotes I have a published essay on the death penalty and I have been quoted by the New York Times on the foreclosure crisis.</p>

<p>9. FBLA Future Business Leaders of America. Competed in Business Law regionally.</p>

<p>10. Religion I wouldn't consider myself a strong jew, but I do a lot with my synagogue.</p>

<p>**11. Taekwondo **I no longer take lessons because of my schedule, but I still teach myself. I am a certified junior instructor.</p>

My recommendations are pretty solid and I can pick from a couple. From teachers, I have my social studies teacher, english teacher, business law teacher, two math teachers, and two science teachers. All my past employers have offered a recommendation. In addition to these, I can get a recommendation from a 3 star general in the army, a colonel in the army, an officer in spec ops from the army, as well as a couple of navy vets that I work with in the Navy League.</p>

<p><em>Note</em> If this means anything...The only family connection to the military that I have is my grandfather who was an officer (Army) for two years as a translator. So all of the military connections I've made have been on my own, with the exception of the three star general.</p>


<p>FYI: there are enough Jews at USMA to warrant having a Jewish chapel on the grounds.</p>

<p>tomhls123: You have covered most of the bases - SATs look good, you have demonstrated leadership potential and you have participated in competitive sport. What is your class rank? Is there a reason you have not taken any math/science related AP courses?
Admission to West Point is competitive - the admissions board will judge you on your credentials. Having a recommendation from a 3 star general and other military sources will not outweigh your teacher evaluations.
Good luck!</p>

<p>mom3boys: I assumed that they put the chapel there to avoid any harrassment lawsuits. But do you think being jewish would add “extra weight” to my application?</p>

<p>Ann: As far as math and science goes…They aren’t my strongest subjects. I will probably take AP Biology and AP Statistices senior year, in addition to IB 20th Century history. At this stage of the game (even though I now variations of the classes will be required at the academy), I don’t see myself taking AP Calc or AP Chem and doing better than a C. Government/Politics/Law, as you can see are my strongest interests. My school doesn’t do class rank by place, but by percentage. Between 15% and 20%.</p>

<p>Do you recommend any other extracirricular activities?</p>

<p>West Point does not care what religion you are, stop trying to use that as a way in.</p>

<p>Never tried to use it as a way in. Just thought it would add extra weight to the application.</p>

<p>Nope, religion alone doesn’t. If you’ve got community service hours through your temple then yeah, those help.</p>

<p>Triggs man, he was just curious. You dont have to come down on him so hard.</p>

<p>tomhls123: Calculus and Chemistry are both required courses at West Point. As part of your application you will need a teacher evaluation completed by both a Math and Physical Science (Physics or Chemistry) teacher. if you have any free time, you may want to concentrate on these subjects if they are your weak subjects.</p>