What are my chances

<p>Ok so im not the best student there is. My GPA is around a 2.4 which is terrible i know. I took my PSATs last year as a sophomore and scored around a 1300 and i plan on taking my SATs in march. Going into the second semester if i can bring my grades up to a solid 3.2 would i still have a chance in getting into Rutgers NB. I also do a lot of Community service for my church. I also play football and lacrosse but im probably not good enough to play at the college level. So do you guys think i have a shot?</p>

<p>Thanks for your time</p>

<p>no, sorry.</p>

<p>no, sorry.</p>

really need help i’m a U.S citizen but moved to Jamaica for school. Universities here don’t look at GPAs so I didn’t pay much attention to my term/semester grades… after which i did advanced level exams (which are like college courses and you get an associates degree upon completion) which i’ve now realized i wont need! the sad part is that because of this i didn’t think i would be going back to the U.S for college until 3weeks before SAT!
GPA= 3.3
SAT= 1450
Critical Reading 480<br>
Math 480<br>
Writing 490
essay 8</p>

<p>Schools applied
Broward college
Florida State University
Florida International University
Please chance me!</p>

<p>better bust ur butt</p>

<p>Are you a NJ resident? If so then you have a better shot. If you can bring up your GPA and score at least a 1200 on your SATs then you have a good shot. I was accepted to SAS with a 27 ACT and 88.9 gpa!</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I think you should go to your local community college (especially if it is a good one). Rutgers has a relationship with NJ community colleges. It will accept for credit courses in which you get a B or higher (I think I am right about the B…but it might be higher). </p>

<p>Lots of kids do this so you won’t feel like odd person out when you transfer in as a junior. But remember–you must do well in CC, and if you do get into Rutgers as a transfer student ask for lots of help and advice. The transition can be a real shocker.</p>

<p>Yes i am a NJ resident</p>

<p>honestly, I don’t think that your stats are too bad as is. I mean, you are just a junior and you do have an entire two semesters in front of you to do better in school. Did you do better than a 2.4 your first semester of junior year? and my sats were pretty horrible sophomore and junior year but I brought them up enough to get the 7500 scholarship, without sat classes or tutoring. so with a year ahead of you to bring up your gpa and sat scores, I think you might be able to pull it off. especially since rutgers might recognize and be impressed by your academic growth.</p>

<p>in-state you could be okay. i go to rutgers now, but in hs i had a 3.7 and 2070 on my SAT. my buddy though loved to toke up on the reefer and slack off. his grades were around the 2.3-2.7 mark and about a 1600 on his SAT…he also goes to rutgers. all depends, but get those grades up.</p>

<p>Thanks you guys the last post really boosted my confidence and really made me motivated to try a lot harder in school. All i needed to hear is that there still is a chance. So thanks again</p>

<p>Have already applied to NB, but yet to receive an answer. Looking for some second opinions and a little motivation. Can someone chance me too?</p>

<p>SAT - 1750
GPA - 3.2
class rank- 110/264
Eagle Scout + Bronze Palm
4 years varsity winter and spring track
numerous awards in both
Head of nature club (4 years)
Held a summer job 4 years in a row
Strong essay
Tons of community service</p>

<p>Help? Thanks!</p>

<p>i’d say so</p>