What are my Chances?

<p>I am an Indian Male from Houston, TX at a private school (Junior)
My GPA is 4.0, and 95.64/100
My Sat score is 800 CR 800 M 750 Writing (i only took it once
My Sat IIs are 800 Bio 800 Chem 800 Math II and i plan on taking US/World History SAT IIs in June
PSAT is 218 which is most likely safe for Texas.</p>

<p>Classes I took
Freshman year: Bio (H), Geometry (H), French II, English II, World History I
Sophomore Year: AP French Language, AP World History, English II, Chemistry (H), Algebra II/Precalculus (H)
Junior Year: AP US History, English III (H), AP Calculus BC, AP French Literature, AP Physics C: Mechanics
Senior Year: Differential Equations (H), Organic Chemistry (H), AP Biology, Seminar in French (H), English IV (H)</p>

<p>AP scores: AP French Lang, WH and Chem were all 5s and i plan on taking US, English lang, Calc BC, french literature and physics this may and AP Biology next May</p>

Staff Writer soon to be an Editor of my School Newspaper (Staff writer since sophomore year)
President of South Asian Students Association (member since Freshman year)
Research internship at a lab in Rice University (since summer of sophomore year)
Band-Flute Player for all 4 years of high school (started in 7th grade) and tried out for Texas Private School All state Band was 20/40
Over 250 hours of Community Service at Texas Children's Hospital (on their Volunteer Council) (since summer of freshman year)
Over 600 Hours of Community Service total (so far)
-Presidential Award Silver freshman year, Gold sophomore year and gold most likely this year
Tutor at Breakthrough Collaborative Houston Branch (one of the top 10 internships in the United States) I do individual tutoring there too. (Since freshman year)
Manager of the Tennis Team since Freshman year
Communications Committee Member of Science and Math Club </p>

<p>What are my chances for schools like Stanford, Yale, Harvard and Princeton?
Any comments appreciated!</p>

<p>oh my god you’re in at atleast one of them!!!</p>

<p>you have a very good shot at all of them :)</p>