What are my chances ????

<p>I am a rising senior, These are the school i am looking into:</p>

<li>New Jersey Institute of Technology</li>
<li>Stevens Institute of Technology</li>
<li>Columbia University</li>
<li>Howard University</li>

<p>GPA 4.0 uw 4.071 w, class rank #1 :) SAT 480 CR 520 Math 480 Writing :(</p>

<p>EC- Vice president going to be president of F.B.L.A (Future Business Leaders of America)
Reporter of D.E.C.A (Distribution Education Club of America)
Member of National Honors Society
Member of my school Green Energy Club
Member of my school STAND club (genocide awareness in Darfur)
Fundraise christmas presents to orphan children every year 50 hr in total
Participate in a consumer fraud act competition
Member of Student Council
Participate in the senior committee</p>

<p>Awards- Won an academic achievement award in computer science at N.J.I.T upward bound program
Won sixth honors in Word Processing II in a F.B.L.A regional event</p>

<p>Junior Year Course load</p>

<p>Business II
English III
U.S History II
Health III
Physical Ed III
Honors Pre-Calculus
Honors Algebra II</p>

<p>Senior Year expected Course Load</p>

<p>Microsoft Office III
Accounting III
Automated Accounting I
English IIII
Health IIII
Physical Ed IIII
Honors Calculus
Performing arts</p>

<p>What are my chances at my top 5 colleges and does anyone have any suggesting ???</p>

<p>Additional Info: I go to one of the most distinguish vocational technical high schools in America, I am a black male and looking into a engineering or business major.</p>

<li>New Jersey Institute of Technology - IN</li>
<li>Stevens Institute of Technology - IN</li>
<li>Columbia University - Rejection; MAY have a slight better chance applying HEOP</li>
<li>Northeastern - Low Reach</li>
<li>Howard University - Low Reach</li>

<p>He’s at a technical vocational school where the top in the class has a 1480 SAT, I’m not sure they offer APs. He might have taken the hardest courseload anyway.</p>

<p>You have an OK chance at Northeastern and Howard, you’re in at the tech schools, and Columbia’s going to look at the scores and toss you into the trash, no offense.</p>

<p>I just realized you don’t qualify for HEOP because you don’t live in NY (I see you live in NJ). So yeah I would reconsider applying to Columbia…underepresnted or not, the SAT scores are too low.</p>

<p>i know my SAT are low im working on it the best i can. What scores do u think i have to get so i can be consider at Columbia ???</p>