what are my chances

<p>hi all! im new to this website, but was hoping to get some insight for my stats. im an asian male going to be a senior at a highly competitive public school in Rockland (suburban NY). what are my chances RD at Columbia, UPenn, Dartmouth, Brown, NYU, JHU, and Georgetown. here are my stats:</p>

<li><p>GPA: 4.45 (unweighted) 3.8 (weighted)</p></li>
<li><p>Class Rank: 6 out of 335</p></li>
<li><p>SAT I: M 650 CR 690 W 700</p></li>
<li><p>SAT II: Biology 710 (plan to take Chemistry and Math IIC in fall – projected scores 700)</p></li>
<li><p>Classes (most competitive possible at each level – only showing AP’s here)</p>

<li>Grade 10: AP US History</li>
<li>Grade 11: AP Biology, Physics B, Govt, English Lang</li>
<li>Grade 12: AP English Lit, Calc BC, Art History, Microecon, Chemistry</li>

<li>National Honor Society President (11-12)</li>
<li>Mu Alpha Theta Activity Coordinator (10-11)</li>
<li>Academic League captain (won regional competition) (10-12)</li>
<li>Eureka (math magazine) assistant production editor (10-12)</li>
<li>Math League participant (10-12)</li>
<li>New Jersey Science League (9)</li>
<li>Centerstage: lead role in fall drama and backstage crew (11-12)</li>
<li>International Thespian Society</li>
<li>Spanish Honor Society</li>
<li>National History Day: placed 3rd in regional competition (9-10)</li>
<li>Junior States of America fall convention rep. (9)</li>
<li>member of Orchestra/violin (9)</li>
<li><p>Community Service (around 1000 hours total)
*this is my “hook” in college admissions process since my record for<br>
community service is both varied/extensive</p>

<li>EMS Ambulance Youth corps: 100 hours</li>
<li>Hackensack/Nyack Hospital volunteer: 100 hours</li>
<li>Youth For Humanity junior director: 300 hours

<li>humanitarian mission to war-shattered Kosovo in 2003:
delivered food, aid, medicine, books, materials to orphans</li>
<li>habitat for humanity type project in Chile in 2004: built houses
for less fortunate</li>
<li>Loving Angels Child Care assistant: 400 hours

<li>supervising kids</li>
<li>teaching alphabet, playing games, tutoring school kids, etc.</li>
<li>Hoque Dental Clinic assistant: 40 hours

<li>secretarial work for one summer</li>

<p>*if anyone could help me or give some advice about my chances please do so! thanks a bunch</p>

<p>Your SATs and GPA are marginal for the Ivies. Strong ECs maynot be enough to make up the difference. Find a few match/safety schools to add to your list.</p>

<p>Agree, focus on getting cr and math past 1500 for a real shot at any ivy.</p>

<p>im also on the national honor roll, national society of high school scholars, and Who's Who if that helps any. i know my SATs are low, but i know ivies have been known to accept low SATs if EC's/comm service are exceptional. what do you guys think?</p>

<p>I think it's BS that ivies take low SATs from anyone other than an athlete, URM, prodigy or child of major donors. At a mid level ivy, combo of cr and math is over 1470. IMHO, they let people think they take lower scores to be able to reject 80 plus percent of applicants. Apply, but have safeties you're happy with and make it a happy surprise should you get in as opposed to a blow if you're rejected.</p>

<p>i total agree with Zagat, b/c all ivy schools want students that scores well on the SAT and are good at everything that is out there.</p>

<p>jhu/nyu/gtown are match/reaches. the rest are reaches unless you get higher scores. if you get those sat's over 700+ in all areas your community service should help you a lot because that list is really impressive. It's a shame your scores are on the low side because your performance at your secondary school is impressive. Keep in mind that all bets are off if your essay is outstanding.</p>

<p>"im also on the national honor roll, national society of high school scholars, and Who's Who if that helps any."</p>

<p>Those won't help one little bit. They aren't real honors selections.</p>

<p>According to sites like princeton review, ave sat at Dartmouth is 1432, and average sat at Brown is 1390. Of course many other factors count, too for admission. Someone whose sat's were much below their average would have to excell in another area(s).</p>

<p>See the thread on search and selection for updated scores younghoss, they've gon up a lot and PR hasn't updated. Average for Dartmouth this year was 1480 Also, don't forget what average means. If you're white or Asian, and not an athlete or million dollar doner, you need higher than average stats for any real chance.</p>

<p>thanks for all the input everyone i really appreciate it! im probably aiming too high with my list of schools, but who said that was a bad thing. gotta find some good safety schools though again thanks again!!</p>