<p>hi all! im new to this website, but was hoping to get some insight for my stats. im an asian male going to be a senior at a highly competitive public school in Rockland (suburban NY). what are my chances RD at Columbia, UPenn, Dartmouth, Brown, NYU, JHU, and Georgetown. here are my stats:</p>
<li><p>GPA: 4.45 (unweighted) 3.8 (weighted)</p></li>
<li><p>Class Rank: 6 out of 335</p></li>
<li><p>SAT I: M 650 CR 690 W 700</p></li>
<li><p>SAT II: Biology 710 (plan to take Chemistry and Math IIC in fall projected scores 700)</p></li>
<li><p>Classes (most competitive possible at each level only showing APs here)</p>
<li>Grade 10: AP US History</li>
<li>Grade 11: AP Biology, Physics B, Govt, English Lang</li>
<li>Grade 12: AP English Lit, Calc BC, Art History, Microecon, Chemistry</li>
<li>National Honor Society President (11-12)</li>
<li>Mu Alpha Theta Activity Coordinator (10-11)</li>
<li>Academic League captain (won regional competition) (10-12)</li>
<li>Eureka (math magazine) assistant production editor (10-12)</li>
<li>Math League participant (10-12)</li>
<li>New Jersey Science League (9)</li>
<li>Centerstage: lead role in fall drama and backstage crew (11-12)</li>
<li>International Thespian Society</li>
<li>Spanish Honor Society</li>
<li>National History Day: placed 3rd in regional competition (9-10)</li>
<li>Junior States of America fall convention rep. (9)</li>
<li>member of Orchestra/violin (9)</li>
<li><p>Community Service (around 1000 hours total)
*this is my hook in college admissions process since my record for<br>
community service is both varied/extensive</p>
<li>EMS Ambulance Youth corps: 100 hours</li>
<li>Hackensack/Nyack Hospital volunteer: 100 hours</li>
<li>Youth For Humanity junior director: 300 hours
<li>humanitarian mission to war-shattered Kosovo in 2003:
delivered food, aid, medicine, books, materials to orphans</li>
<li>habitat for humanity type project in Chile in 2004: built houses
for less fortunate</li>
<li>Loving Angels Child Care assistant: 400 hours
<li>supervising kids</li>
<li>teaching alphabet, playing games, tutoring school kids, etc.</li>
<li>Hoque Dental Clinic assistant: 40 hours
<li>secretarial work for one summer</li>
<p>*if anyone could help me or give some advice about my chances please do so! thanks a bunch</p>