What are my chances?

<p>How depressing, every time I see one of these threads and recognize how much my stats pale in comparison, I die a little inside.</p>

<p>On a more related note, I’d say your chances are favorable, economy and state problems aside.</p>

<p>To answer a few questions Ya my “important event” essay will most defiantly be about the time i climbed Whitney. And I’m in state, California born and raised :stuck_out_tongue: </p>

<p>I feel pretty confident, but the only thing I’m worried about is the fact that i didn’t take the hardest classes possible. Freshmen and Sophomore year i couldn’t take an honors math class due to class sizes and last year (I didn’t realize how dumb i was being) I decided to be a teacher aid, which brought my gpa down (I could have taken another AP class instead). I dropped the credits for my TA class, so my gpa was brought back up (However will that count me as only having 5 classes junior year? The class still shows up on my transcript, it just doesn’t effect anything). Anyway, to show that I can still handle the course work i decided to take 6 AP classes this year, giving me a 5.0 for senior year. Do you think that will make up for the past, and will the past hurt my chances?</p>

<p>last bump, I promise, just want that last question answered and I’m done >.<</p>