what are my chances

<p>I am a junior at a well-known and very competitive prep school in New England.</p>

<p>Here are the stats</p>

<p>SAT I: 2120 (I will retake it in October, hopefully breaking 2300)
Math IIC: 800

AP Calculus BC (5)
AP U.S Hisotory (5)
AP Physics
AP Chemistry</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0 (not weighted)
No ranking</p>

<p>Distinctions (not much)</p>

<p>History Dinner ( recognition of outstanding history students)
Junior math department award
Top scorer on AMC and AMIE (schoolwide)
State-wide Poetry Recitation Contest silver medal </p>

Math Team: Math League, AMIE, Harvard-MIT Tournement
Prefect ( a preppy position, an honorable and responsible upper-class guy who supervises lower-class students)
JV Volleyball: Co-capitan, Varsity in 2006 spring season
Club Tennis and Club Basketball ( intramural sports)
Founder and president of Go Club ( Go is a world-wide known board game originated in China 2000 years ago)
Founder and president of Physics Club
President of Astronomy Club
Foreign Policy Association
Staff of school's newspaper: writer
Math Tutor</p>

Working as a teacher and students supervior at an English Summer Camp in China
Internship at Apple Computer
Working at an American oil engineering company in China</p>

<p>I am Chinese all my life and have been studying in American high school only since sophomore year. </p>

<p>Thank you very much for your time</p>


<p>anyone please?</p>

<p>Very low chances. You are in an over-represented region that will have thousands of applicants with better stats. Your ECs are marginal with minimal leadership. No hooks other than your internships (play these up if possible). Being Asian won't help you either. Being at a prep school means you will be compared to that peer group, which will likely make your stats look worse by comparison. Those stats coming from a small public in Wyoming might look good, from a NE prep school, they are weak.</p>

<p>thanks for your comments. well, I am indeed a little disappointed.</p>

<p>any other opinions would be greatly appreciated.</p>

How are his ECs marginal? What do you mean when you say his leadership is minimal?</p>

<p>All are local to the school. Sports are JV and club level. Astro and physics are OK. Well known organizations are missing, NHS, etc. Newspaper editor, NHS president, etc would be better. Even then, you have to answer the question, "What did my leadership accomplish?" Things like establishing a new program that benefits under priveledged student, or raising funds for a new library are indications of effective leadership, not just resume padding.</p>

<p>don't get discouraged. you still have a chance just like most applicants. if yale is your first choice, apply EA - you never know. a great essay might also help a lot.</p>

<p>The 4.0 is great if it's a top prep and breaking 2300 will give you a shot.</p>

<p>How can you be a member of NHS? Do you get invited? I thought you can only be one if your school is a member school of NHS, which my school is not.</p>

<p>Just an example....</p>

<p>yes, I just want to how one can become a member of NHS, because I never even heard of it in my school.</p>

<p>if your school doesn't have it, don't worry about it.</p>

<p>every school is different.</p>

<p>I think you have a good shot. Your leadership definitely is not marginal. Yale acceptees are not (all) kings and gods.</p>

<p>yeah i'd say a decent fair chance. pretty good stats.</p>

<p>There is amazingly bad advice given on this site. "Decent fair chance", "good shot", are you people nuts?</p>

<p>The OP would have a fair chance if he were not from a very competitive prep school in New England. Considering his background, his awards and ECs are severely lacking.</p>

<p>The truth is that the very type of school that I go to limits the range of awards and EC's that I can have. Prep school does not make EC's or awards more accessible but makes me spend more time studying, and somehow more isolated from the ouside world. No one in my school ever went to any science fair, or science bowl, I would never know there are intel and westinghouse competitions had I not come to this board. It's a freaking boarding school!</p>

<p>I do admit that my awards and ECs are lacking,any advice on how I could change this would be welcome.</p>

<p>I don't know where you go, but the boarding school I attend and the other top ones I know have more opportunities for stellar ECs than any place on earth.</p>

<p>well, it's a little late to find another EC.</p>

<p>we're "down to the wire" so to speak.</p>

<p>what boarding schools do you both go to? I completely sympathize with alwaysfaithful the level of academics at the best new england boarding schools means that a 4.0 says a whole lot. There are lots of ec opportunities at my boarding school, but most are local... yet we have plenty of kids going to ivy league schools (some of them with absolutely no ec's beyond school stuff.)</p>