<p>I live in New Jersey, but I'm a legacy, my father went to UVA.</p>
<p>I am taking AP Physics C and AP Calculas AB this year, junior year, and AP Statistics, AP Economics, AP Psycology, and AP Chemistry next year.</p>
<p>My GPA is 3.7778 and WGPA is 3.8889</p>
<p>On my SAT, i have got a 710 in math, 630 in reading, and 590 in writing, but that was only the first test, and i felt like it went horribly, so i am hoping for higher scores in the next 2 takings (would you recommend only taking the SAT 3 times, or 4 or 5??)</p>
<p>I have a black belt in Tae Kwan Doe, won 1st prize of a photo contest at school, snowboard, tutor students in mathematics and physics as a hobby, and help out at my church for about an hour and a half each week. I am in photo club, science honor society, martial arts club, mu alpha theta, and Joshua Generation.</p>
<p>I'm hoping to double major in Nuclear Physics and Philosophy (I'm sure thats harder to do than i understand at the time).</p>
<p>I have affected plenty of my teachers, and one english teacher even told me that because of a discussion we had, she changed her mind about how she wants to raise up her child, so I'm pretty sure any recommendation from a teacher will be a big positive.</p>
<p>right now, my greatest desire is to get into UVA, so i would realy, realy appreciate as much information as you are willing to give!</p>
<p>Thank you for your time!!</p>