What are my Daughters Chances?

<p>GPA: 3.62 UW, 3.75 W
APs: US History (5), Biology (5), English Lit, (4), Chemistry (TBD), BC Calculus (TBD). Her school limits the number of APs she can take in a year.
SATs: 2290 (1490)
SATII: Math II (800), US History (760), English (740)
ECs: Job, Editor of her yearbook, Captain of Field Hockey Team</p>

<p>Triple Legacy, east coast private high school</p>

<p>SAT's and AP's are good. GPA is low, although this is really dependent on the caliber of her school (if she is at a place like exeter it would be much more acceptable...). Legacy is a plus. ECs are fine (not enough detail/breadth to tell but at the very least she is captain/editor). I would say that no one thing is bad (maybe GPA is lowish) but nothing is extraordinary either. In my opinion, they will accept/reject based upon essays, teacher recs, and other "subjective" measures... she has a good chance but it could go either way in my honest opinion...</p>