What are my options?

<p>I am currently a student at University of Michigan, a sophomore. I have had a rough time here and slacked a bit with a 2.92 GPA after 2 years. I have realized that this school is not right for me and I applied to Penn State University, back in state at not as difficult a school to finish out my college career. I think that at this point PSU is a reach with a 2.92 GPA, and I'm not sure if I will get accepted. If I don't what are my options? I don't know many schools that take a 2.92 transfer GPA, and I don't want to go back to community college or anything like that. What kind of schools could I be looking at in the Northeast or Eastern US preferably Pennsylvania that I could get in to? Because it sounds like from what I've been told there is no way that Penn State accepts me. Please help.</p>

<p>if your a penn resident i would think that you at least have a shot at penn state…certainly dont bank on it, but dont count it out all together if you can get your app polished up</p>

<p>the schools that immediately came to mind was franklin and marshall…also look at muhlenberg, allegheny, drexel, gettysburg…should have some options</p>


<p>If the main campus won’t admit you, I’d expect that you should be able to get into one of the other branches. Get a list of all of the public universities in PA (Mansfield and Shippensburg come to mind) and then contact their admissions offices.</p>

<p>Wishing you all the best!</p>

<p>Happymomof1 offers excellent advice. While it may be difficult for your to transfer into the main campus, there are nearly 20 Penn State campuses around the state – including areas such as Harrisburg, Abington, Hazleton, Mont Alto, Altoona, and Wilkes-Barre. In addition to these Penn state campuses, there are 14 universities that are members of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education system, including Shippensburg, Millersville, Kutztown, Bloomsburg, IUP, Mansfield, West Chester, etc. In other words, there are many options and opportunties, and I would expect that if you search through them and make the effort you will be able to find several that will accept your transfer credits and provide you with some great choices. Good luck!</p>