What are my son's chances of VA Tech School of Engineering?

First time I’m posting on here. This is all new to me. Sorry if this is a repeat question.

My son is going to be a senior this fall and is focused on VA Tech School of Engineering.

Loudoun County resident
4.09 GPA weighted
A ton of AP classes - math, history, science, language, English and art
Full AP schedule next year
1480 super score - 700 Math/780 English
33 ACT
3 sport per year student every year
Ok community service
Some work and internships

On a separate note, does Tech ever give scholarship money based on academics?

See here for average freshman stats by college within VT. http://ir.vt.edu/data/student/admissions.html

GPA is right in there, SAT is good too. I am sure VT does offer some academic scholarships to entering freshmen, you should also investigate other scholarships not offered directly by the college itself. It looks like your son has a good chance, though engineering is fickle sometimes in admissions. Being from NOVA increases the competition he’s facing. Tell him congrats and keep up the good work!