what are pre-reqs?

<p>i know this is a very basic and even a commonsense question to all of you, but i've been confused about this for a while and was never able to get a straight answer from anyone.</p>

<p>I know pre-reqs are what you need to take before a certain course...but how do I know which pre-reqs I need? is it dependent on my intended major?because I looked at all the courses i'll be needing to take and all I need to take before those classes are one english, one math and a sociology course. those can't possibly be the only pre-reqs I need?</p>

<p>P.S.: are the courses listed on assist.org pre-reqs?</p>

<p>Yes, the courses listed on assist.org are pre-reqs.</p>

<p>yes, the courses listed on assit.org are all the pre-req’s for your major through whatever community college you attend.</p>

<p>ok thanks guys! that really clears it up =)</p>