What are the chicks like at Rice?

<p>Hey I was just wondering what are the girls like over there, what the demographics are, are the girls very studious and hard to get, or more laid back? Lol... I won't let this factor into what college I end up choosing but I just wanted to know because I'm curious </p>


<p>Also, how “cliquish” is the college? Is it close-knit, or are there many seperate groups just like high school?
Oh, and to make this thread a little less “sexed”, how about the guys? What are the majority of guys like?</p>

<p>As sad as this **** is I want to know too. Do many students end up in relationships at Rice?</p>

<p>Rice is most def not cliquey… That’s Northwestern you’re thinking of. =]</p>

<p>Is it true that 75% (give or take) of Rice students end up marrying each other?</p>

<p>I have a friend at rice who says that he now wears “rice goggles”. According to him, they make every girl off of the rice campus look much more attractive.</p>

<p>If girls are your cup of tea, I wouldn’t go to Rice. Best combination of academics and girls in Texas can be found at The University of Texas at Austin.</p>

<p>True story: I was biking at the Rice stadium. Came up behind this cyclist with really hairy legs. I though to myself, “man, that’s some hairy legs, I hope he doesn’t crash, because he’s skin is going to come off.” As I got a bit closer, I thought, “man, the dude has big hips, is this a girl or a guy?” I passed the cyclist and had a look. The cyclist turned out to be a girl.</p>

<p>Oh come on you guys… intelligence > looks (as long as the person’s not completely hideous).</p>

<p>^^ lol Modulation, don’t kid yourself like that</p>

<p>UH technically has shirts that say, “Rice girls are ugly.” We’re not THAT bad looking.</p>

<p>When I was there for a tour there were several girls who had either hairy legs or a pimple-teeming face. I am not to judge them, but I asked one normal-looking girl how many girls there were at Rice similar to those girls and she replied that while its true Rice isn’t known for its girls, their intelligence acts as a razor or acne cream to make them almost mediocre looking.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’ll have to admit I don’t do well with low-intelligence level girls and something about intelligence turns me on. While intelligence isn’t everything or even close, it’s still necessary for me haha</p>

<p>hmmm i see</p>

<p>This thread has shockingly become more and more awkward.</p>

<p>how do girls react to asians? 3/8 hispanics? africans? Do girls like tall people?</p>

<p>Most vital question: when baker college does the shaving cream runs, do hot girls run as well?</p>

<p>They don’t like any of those things, woami.</p>

<p>Seriously, gentlemen, this is more than a bit silly.</p>

<p>Okay, enough about “ugly chicks.” Let the criticism of the gents begin!</p>

<p>How are the guys? I’ve read awkward/anti-social-ness…</p>

<p>Some people here are blowing things WAY out of proportion. There are some HIDEOUS chicks here, yes. There are also some pretty hot girls, it’s true. I would say a plurality of girls here are average. The rest can be divided into “hot”, “cute”, “only if I’m drunk”, “hell no”.
So the ranking of Rice girls, in terms of abundancy:

  1. Average
  2. Only if I’m drunk
  3. Cute
  4. Hell no
  5. Hot</p>

<p>It’s really not that bad… but who am I to talk, my girlfriend doesn’t go to Rice =P</p>

<p>I’d say the girls are on average better looking/more attractive than the guys. Maybe I’m easier on the chicks because I’m not into them, or I’m harsher on the guys because I’m picky…no idea. I’d definitely say that more girls work out than guys (90% of the time all the cardio machines at Autry are all girls). But I’d agree in calling the majority of girls average, and I’d also like to point out the maaaaajor differences between the girls you think are smokin’ hot and the girls you’d actually end up dating. If you’re not a hot guy it’s extraordinarily unlikely you will end up with a banging girl, no matter where you are. Period. If you’re looking for eye candy however I guess I can sympathize.</p>

<p>I think I’ve got a mini-rant on rice boys somewhere in the “negative things about rice” thread, for what it’s worth. From what I’ve noticed many of them jumped straight into the hook up scene without learning how to be a gentleman (or even just NOT WEIRD) about it first (as odd as that may sound). That leaves lots of antisocial guys, and few who are actually datable or desirable hookups or boyfriends, and fewer within that you’d actually be compatible with…but those are other issues entirely.</p>

<p>And Beef the more you post the more I think you’re somebody you’ve already told me you’re not.</p>


That statement applies to gyms everywhere. When do you see a gym packed with guys on cardio? Every gym I’ve been to, guys are concentrated at the weights section.


<h2>On contrary, girls are less superficial than guys, so there’s a decent amount of hot girls with average joes. Case and point, Tucker Max ;-)</h2>

<p>The take away from this discussion is: you can’t expect hot girls and good academics in college, at least not at Rice.</p>

<p>Wow, this thread really is wonderfully awkward isn’t it?</p>
