<p>I know this isn't the most important factor in choosing a college, but I was just wondering what the dorms were like at Gtown. When I visited I didn't get a chance to see them. What are they like? What styles are available, doubles, triples, quads? Are freshman all together? Do upperclassmen usually live off campus?
Thanks for any info!</p>
<p>I would also like to know some more information about the dorms. After all, if I go, I’ll be stuck in them for four years!!</p>
<p>I would also like some info on that. Anyone currently living in one would like to share?</p>
<p>[Our</a> Residences](<a href=“http://housing.georgetown.edu/academic/residences/index.cfm]Our”>http://housing.georgetown.edu/academic/residences/index.cfm)</p>
<p>Typically upperclassmen (junior & senior) live off campus… though some juniors choose to stay on campus and live in Village A, Village B, Henle, and University Townhouses (which are apartments)</p>
<p>I did a summer program there once and lived in the New South (one of the newer dorms) for 10 days. Eh. They use electronic key cards. The rooms are pretty spacious for a double, but the mattresses are utterly crappy, and the shower rooms are not so pleasant as well. (and getting locked out is NOT fun). </p>
<p>I think I’ll talk about dining as well. It’s okay – there’s that recent food poisoning case that broke out, but other than that, from what I could see in those ten days, the menu doesn’t change that much in the O’Donovan dining hall. But that’s okay as long as your rich, because M street is literally two steps away from campus. :P</p>
<p>It wasn’t food poisoning, it was Norovirus. During the summer they also may have had limited selections for you, too, as they did during orientation at the beginning of this year. Leo’s food can get old but there’s always decent stand-bys, like stir-fry bar, make your own pasta, good salad bar, sandwiches, make your own pizza, omelets, belgian waffles, etc.</p>
<p>I live in Village C, which is the only freshman dorm with private bathrooms. It’s very nice to have a bathroom in my room! The room is definitely small to compensate, but all my stuff fits nicely and it seems much more spacious once you’ve lived here for a bit. Our beds are bunked but some people’s aren’t and they’re also fine. At first there’s the shock of “Oh god this is tiny!” but now it’s okay that I’m settled. Mattresses are totally awful though.</p>
<p>Agree with the mattress comment lol… Village C is a bit small, but all the other dorms are fairly big for freshmen dorms… you can check on the dimensions on my earlier post with the link</p>
<p>Are you permitted to buy & substitute your own mattresses for your room?</p>
<p>I actually have no idea but I don’t think I’ve seen anyone do it. Not sure what they’d have you do with the old one.</p>
<p>Thanks for the info. I think it’s great that some of the rooms have their own bathroom, that’s so cool.</p>
<p>i heard something about low quality mattresses, what about the box springs? ill be testing those out if you know what i mean</p>
<p>I think you are allowed to bring your own mattress, but its a huge hassle, maybe meet 2 kids whose done it…</p>
<p>Just get a nice mattress pad it’s not a big deal.</p>