What are the odds..

<p>GPA: 3.36 UW/W (no honors or AP classes)
SAT: 1150/1630 - Getting my third score in two days. Not expecting much higher.
Class Rank: 63/250 (25%)</p>

<p>Relevant Senior Courses:
Introduction to Info (college course)
Business Law
Business Electronics and Communications

My GPA has increased every year with only one C
Freshman Year - 2.9 GPA
Sophomore Year - 3.3 GPA
Junior Year - 3.9 GPA</p>

Owner and Founder of my own successful Sole Proprietorship ($10,000 income in first two months)
Owner and Founder of my own web design company ($2,000 total income so far).
Designed the official website for a million dollar company.
National Honor Society
Choir Officer Secretary
4 Year Baseball player</p>

<p>Volunteer/Community Service:
Volunteered all summer at a local pharmacy
All my National Honor Society volunteering ~25 hours
Homework Club regularly after school </p>

<p>I feel my EC's are unique and my essay went into depth on my two biggest entrepreneurial successes and how those experiences will be the reason I succeed at this school if accepted. I feel my essay is very strong, I just hope it's enough.</p>

<p>What do you guys think? Am I in way over my head with these stats, will my EC's/Essay not be enough?</p>

<p>Hey! I saw that you posted this last year and I am kind of going through the same situation did you get accepted or go through some complications? It would really help me out if you replied back. Thanks!</p>