What are the seniors' plans for next year?

<p>Since my CC “class” are juniors this year, just realizing that many of the kids whose parents have been such a help to us are going to graduate this year. Like momreads, mom2ck, maybe Seatide?, and I’m sure there are others I’m forgetting.</p>

<p>Since we’re now into senior year, I’m sure kids are taking/have taken GRE, LSAT, MCAT, or just plain old “looking for a job”!</p>

<p>Wonder what your kids are planning on for next year, grad school, professional school, work, and whether you’re staying in the south or heading to parts unknown.</p>

<p>Wanted to let you know that we’re thinking of you on your BIG YEAR and wishing you best of luck as you prepare for that NEXT BIG STEP!</p>

<p>Oh, and us hopeless romantics wouldn’t mind hearing if any of you are getting married!</p>

<p>i’m not sure if there are others posting here other than Sea_Tide, MomRead’s son, and my son that are seniors.</p>

<p>My son has applied to med schools, so hopefully next year he’ll be a first year med student.</p>

<p>My son has applied for a number of post graduate scholarship programs, as he would love to earn a masters degree at an international university. He also has been contacted about job possibilities with the government, thanks to his summer internship with NOAA.</p>

<p>In the future, he is interested in attending law school and doing something with international law.</p>

<p>My DD is also applying to medical schools this cycle.</p>

<p>It is quite the process! Hopefully she will also be a first year
medical student!</p>

<p>Many of the posters who are seniors are occasional posters, so you might not see responses for a few months.</p>

<p>As for myself, I am considering a variety of different options. I’m beginning to apply for full time positions, hopefully some that involve travel and would help pay for more education. I’m also considering applying to some graduate programs in the US and Canada, but am unsure of what I would like a PhD in. Right now I’m looking at Finance, Statistics, and Transportation Science/Transportation Economics (many of which include Civil Engineering) programs.</p>

<p>Momreads, I am also considering international law as it is a major component of my professional and personal interests. One question I have is how one can get more knowledge of civil law (do people spend a term in Louisiana or Quebec?) This is a departure from my previous idea of being admitted to the Bar in a state that does not require a law degree.</p>

<p>Maybe a lot of seniors don’t post, or post often, but I know when we were looking at Bama, we met a lot of kids through CC that were a year ahead of my son. Such nice kids, and would love to hear what they’re doing next year!</p>

<p>Are any of you applying to law school, to attend next year? We have a couple of very good law schools in New Orleans, and if any of you need any info about the area, I’d be glad to help.</p>


<p>I’m not sure who those kids were. Is MesquiteGirl a senior this year? </p>

<p>UAProphet used to post frequently, but he graduated a few semesters ago and is now working as a Chemical Engineer in his home state.</p>

<p>Feenotype got his bachelors awhile back, and I think he recently completed his masters. </p>

<p>Maybe there were some others but I’m forgetting them…lol</p>

<p>I’d be happy to talk any of your children OUT of going to law school. Just let me know if you need my help.</p>

<p>I’m still nominating Sea_Tide for President - don’t care which party!</p>

<p>Gosh, I will miss Seatide when he graduates. I live vicariously through his travels. </p>

<p>And slippy, I’d like to talk a lot of them out of medical school, but they’ve got to find that out for themselves!</p>

<p>I’ve told my kids since they were young that I am a lawyer so they don’t have to be.</p>

<p>It was so cold in Honolulu this morning (78F) that I saw a lawyer walking down the street with his hands in his own pockets. :)</p>

<p>Funny one, malanai!</p>



<p>I think she is a senior and I think I remember her saying she was applying to grad schools.</p>

<p>MesquiteGirl is, indeed, a senior, and one of my son’s best buds. She has mentioned grad school. When I see her on Facebook, I’ll ask that she post what her plans are.</p>

<p>Are any of the seniors doing a five year masters program? I know some of you are so advanced that you’ll get your masters in four years, but wondering if any of you are going to stay an extra year and get your masters at UA. Son has a lot of friends that will take five years to finish their degree because of changed majors/dropped classes and other reasons, and was wondering what the housing options are and what life is like for a fifth year student, whether it’s as a continuing undergrad or grad student.</p>

<p>DS is a junior this year and is doing the master’s in finance in 4 years program. SeaTide and momreads, does UA help with connections for jobs after graduation? I think DS might stay for a PhD if he didn’t find a good opportunity after graduation. He will also have a BS in political science and a minor in history. Worried he might look at the dreaded law school! Got one that is a 2L now. Not sure I need 2 lawyers in the family!! DS said he will probably not be home this summer as he is hoping to do an internship somewhere. Is there anyone in particular at the business school that you guys “in the know” would recommend speaking to?</p>

<p>The B-school has its own career placement office…</p>

<p>[Culverhouse</a> - Careers And Internships](<a href=“Home - The Culverhouse College of Business”>Home - The Culverhouse College of Business)</p>

<p>Also…all Bama graduates have life-long access to UA career planning offices.</p>

<p>I know of people who’ve stayed for a 5th year to get a masters and some who’ve graduated a year early and returned the next year for their masters, the latter because some departments will fund masters degrees for some top students.</p>

<p>UA does not charge a graduate school application fee if the student is currently at UA and possibly if they have a UA degree.</p>

<p>If your student is looking at getting a PhD, note that many fields look down on those who have all their degrees from one school.</p>

<p>bamafana, I’ll PM you with more details about business grad school. </p>

<p>One side benefit of attending UA for grad school is that one has a higher priority for football tickets as they have 120+ UA credits. </p>

<p>Grad students almost always live off campus unless they are an assistant community director for Housing and Residential Communities.</p>