what are your extracurricular activities?

<p>lindsey: What do you race, in go karts I mean? I was gonna start racing karts, rotax, back in freshman year, but then the kart/tools etc prices went up in my country. For example a CRG with a rotax engine, before my freshman year, could have cost around $5000-$6000, after my freshman year began its price went up to about $8000-$10000, it was ridiculously expensive.</p>

<p>my ecs are:
knowledge bowl club
la isla tutoring club
german lessons
volunteer at the national childrens hospital
classic guitar
electric guitar
various musical ensembles
I´ve also composed a few songs for our school band</p>

<p>Well I don't exactly know where you live so things could be differents, but it is definitly not that expensive for us. We race in Mass. and it is resonably priced compared to that. You can buy a reasonably priced go-kart for 1,500 - 2,500 and the motors aren't that much, well we don't run rotax whatever that is. Motors are problably around 1,000 new. It can get expensive for my family since I have a brother and sister that race to but not that much. You only spend about 5,000 a season per car, and that is with the best of everything, which of course I don't have.</p>

<p>Oh I see, yeah, I wish things were like that here (costa rica). A lot of people used to race 100cc and shifters here, but now the people that are still racing, after the increase in price,s decided to stay with rotax. Rotax engines are good mainly becuase of the low maintance they require, I believe a rebuild is needed only every 50hrs, that along with its 30hp ( i think, not sure, but I believe its between 29-31hp, would have to search it up) makes it a more reasonable option for people over here. I definitely want to start racing once I get to college, seeing as karting expenses in the US are a lot less than in my country.</p>

<p>-FFA (Reporter for this year, also volunteering & ton of other activities in this one!)
-French Club (secretary)
-School paper
-various volunteering (Church projects, humane society, etc.)
-4-H (this is out of school, but I work my butt off through it! I'm a camp counselor, on Jr. Fair Board & I'm club reporter!) </p>

<p>Lindsey831 I know exactly what you mean by FFA requirements & not enough time for sports!</p>

<p>church volunteering since i was 7
church choir
hospital- 50 hours
library every now and then
key club
food club
track in middle school (i doubt that counts)</p>

Newspaper (hoping for Editor in Chief!)
Math Team
Spanish Club (president?)</p>

<p>Volunteer group called Musical Ambassadors, which performs holiday music at nursing homes
Big Brothers/Big Sisters
NHS and all the volunteer work that goes along with that</p>

<p>newspaper (managing editor)
yearbook (managing editor)
varisty track (captain)
varisty cheer (captain)

<p>and thats it..</p>

<p>leadership position at community center
red cross
v. handball (ehh...its a sport)
John Liu Political Action team and internship
Robotics Team
Math Team</p>

<p>-Class President
-Film Club Treasurer
-Forensics Club Officer
-Model UN
-Model Congress
-Classical Club
-Varsity Tennis</p>

<p>hoping to get more involved in model UN and model congress next year, possibly debate.</p>

<p>Not much but I hope they're original.
- C-Team (Freshman) Football
- JV Wrestling
- Self-study German, French (not so much)
- Open-source C++ programming: finished <a href="http://ameba.tigris.org%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://ameba.tigris.org&lt;/a> recently, planning to start back on raindance.tigris.org, have this hobby for four years.
- Volunteering at physics lab nearby.
- Research in physics -- now consists more of reading books on quantum mechanics and string theory, ha-ha-ha, what a research!
Was interested in physics (especially nuclear) from first grade.
- Drinking hot English tea while observing rain-- very depending on this.</p>

<p>-President of Foreign Language Honor Society (organized events, pretty big deal)
-Captain of Debate (national qualifier)
-Captain of Academic Team (national qualifier)
-Internship this summer at a software company, 40 hrs/wk, $10/hr
-Dance (gave a 2hr long solo performance last year, still take lessons and perform, pretty big deal)
-Music (Last summer I picked up an instrument out of personal interest, I do it 5 hrs/wk and am in my school orchestra, I'm just now starting to get competitive)
-I am the leader of my youth group, I've organized movie nights and a fundraiser
-I lead a tutoring program at my school where we teach ESL students at a local elementary school, this year I'm starting a lunchtime tutoring program</p>

<p>-Dance (yay no sleep! 4-9 mon-fri 10-3, 6-9 sat....before competition season starts...after that, ick)
-Tutoring (math science)
-Science and Robotics Club
-Math League (^^ we see a theme)
-Random Volunteering (church work, rehabilitation center stuff etc...)
-Church handbell choir
-NHS and International Language Honors Society
-Learning German
-Varsity Swim Team
-guitar and keyboard (rock/jazz band a school...its fun)
and...my job. I manage web sites..flexible hours yay!!</p>

<li>Flying single-engined aircraft</li>
<li>Flying gliders</li>
<li>Learning the Tablas ( Indian drums ) </li>
<li>Learning the Guitar</li>
<li>Learning languages</li>