What are your plans to open your decisions on M10?

Everyone has a different way of opening them :woman_shrugging:

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Generally, the plan is to await an email letting us/our daughter know a decision has been made. Two schools just inform via email. Three others have a portal (but we assume an email will be sent letting us know a decision is available or at least letting us know when a decision should be available). One school has not yet indicated how decisions will be communicated. Assuming that school will also send an email this coming week with more info.

Because we are overseas, most of the decisions will be released in the evening our time so we anticipate opening the portals with our daughter after dinner here.

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Since I have some schools that will be released by the time I go to school, and some that release during the school day, I decided to open some in the morning and some in the evening. This way, I won’t be as tempted to open my descisions during school, but it also won’t ruin my day if I get all rejections in the morning, since there would still be hope.


I go to school but I still have my computer during school day, so I just open them as they come in.
And (if my parents allow it) tell them all at once i the afternoon


Im opening them all on the portal because its more exciting. And Im opening them on M11 because im international and there is a time difference. best of luck to those who are applying! 8 more days!!!


My daughter is currently at BS and M10 is also the start of spring break, so we won’t be together for most of the day. She is flying home in the late afternoon. I am leaving it up to her if she wants to see the decisions before we are together. I’m guessing we will just be on facetime together because she is not the type of person to be able to wait until we will be together (nor am I, tbh)! I know the one she is most excited about will come out at 6AM. I do not know the timing of the others yet.

Last year, when she was home, we opened the one she cared about together - it came at 12:01 AM (she was accepted). The other one she didn’t care about so I just opened it when it arrived and let her know (rejected).


international here too- most decisions come out 5 pm, but i am going to try to make plans for that day so i keep busy and dont worry about them until 5. Still going to school of course :slight_smile:


I will open everything when I get home, probably 6:30pm.


Funnily enough, I actually have Friday off. So I’ll open them as they come.

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This year we only have LDS and they share a release time. Kid has a big competition same day and will be competing when they are available. We don’t discuss until home, showered, and fed. I am expecting four flattering acceptances and will have have flowers and chocolates. If we don’t get anything flashy from a school I’ll make a pretty and equal card for each acceptance.

And may be the odds be ever in your favor.

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Something to keep in mind for folks planning to wait until after school, etc…
once the decisions come out, you get emails, phone calls, etc…that “give it away.” In other words, it’s not a good plan to just think you can wait a few hours to come home and then go into the portal. Because the messaging comes fast and furious on M10 date! You almost don’t need to go into portals because you get so many follow ups from the various schools where you have offers. (Like your AO might email saying congratulations, or parents email saying congratulations, etc etc).

Along those lines: know that M10 is EXHAUSTING. It can be very depleting. Exciting and wonderful! but also can have some down moments, and even in the good news, there is SO much information coming at you, and it’s just…tiring. So if there is anything that requires a ton of your energy or focus taht you can move off of your agenda for tomorrow, I probably would.

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In all honesty, I have an early release day tomorrow, so putting my phone on DND would be really beneficial lol.

Ill try to open them w/ family