What Book/TV Show/Movie...etc... Would You Rather Live In?

<p>Waiting for Godot, of course. :P</p>

<p>Either Harry Potter or Star Wars, but I would absolutely have to be a wizard or a jedi. Otherwise, there’s no point. After watching the 2009 Star Trek movie, I think it’d be pretty awesome to fly with the Enterprise. But I’d choose wizard or jedi over Enterprise crewman any day.</p>

<p>^ Order 66…</p>

“Execute order 6-”</p>

<p>Clone: “Ahhg!” <em>throws transmitter off cliff</em></p>

<p>Other Clone: “What was that?”</p>

<p>Clone: “Order 6. It’s kind of obscure. It means ‘Throw away your transmitter as fast as possible’.”</p>

<p>From the alternate reality where the Jedi actually USED their amazing perceptive powers.</p>

<p>Charlie Wilson’s War but only If I got to be Charlie Wilson
NCIS as long as I’m not a victim…
<em>Insert crappy teen soap drama here</em> - Because of the abudance of exceptionally attractive females.</p>

<p>How about Tron? Okay, without all the evilness of MCP. Just being able to play the games…for fun.</p>