What classes should I, a CS major, sign up for Tuesday?

<p>Let me start off with some background information, I will be a CS major this fall, and will be a part of the STEM MBA program.</p>

<p>I have taken a few AP classes, and should be getting credit for EN 101 & 102, MATH 125 & 126, PH 105 & 106, PY 101 and EC 111. This works out to a total of 28 credits.</p>

<p>I realize the STEM MBA program is a 5 year program, but I was hoping with my AP credit I would be able to turn it into a 4 year program. </p>

<p>Here are the classes I’ve been thinking about taking, although it only comes out to 11.5 credits first semester:</p>

<p>GBA 171 (stem mba class) 1.5 credits</p>

<p>ENGR 103 3 credits<br>
CS 121 1 credit
CS 150 2 credits
CS 160 1 credit
EC 110 3 credits try and get in the honors one?</p>

<p>total: 11.5 credits, with 6 classes</p>

<p>Any additions or substitutions y’all can think of?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance and ROLL TIDE!!!</p>

<p>Like other majors in the College of Engineering, CS should have a diagram showing you the order in which you need to take certain credits. Look for courses with no prerequisites or those with prerequisites you’ve already completed. Ideally, you’d want to take 14-17 credits each semester.</p>

<p>Do try to take honors EC 110 so you’d be on your way towards getting the 18 credits required for UHP. I’d also suggest taking a UH course or IHP 105/155 to help satisfy the 6 required hours of UH courses. If you can, take a UH courses which would satisfy a fine arts requirement, if required. I would also recommend taking a course to fulfill the literature requirement. Note that you can take any literature course which fulfills the requirement, not just British Literature I or American Literature I.</p>

<p>Have you talked to Dr. Morgan about completing the STEM MBA program in less than 5-5.5 years. It’s my understanding that the program wasn’t necessarily designed for that and as such, you’ll have to make some special arrangements to complete the courses earlier than most of your cohort.</p>

<p>follow this flowchart unless you want to do the software engg track.</p>

<p><a href=“http://cs.ua.edu/files/2011/08/CS-Flowchart-2014-A.pdf”>http://cs.ua.edu/files/2011/08/CS-Flowchart-2014-A.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I was also going to direct you to the Computer Science flowchart. If you access this from the CS page on the Alabama website, there are actually two different flowcharts. One is for computer science degree and one is for computer science with software engineering. </p>