What community are you planning on staying in?

<p>Is it really that impossible to get Morrison as a freshman? Should I just not even put Morrison as an option at all so I don't waste a housing choice?</p>

<p>well it is gonna be hard to get morrison, since they only reserve a certain amount of spots for freshman. but i heard that the process of assigning housing is completely random..based on your social security # of something..so you just have to hope they start with a # close to yours? lol i dunno</p>

<p>I doubt it's random by SSN because that would make the application for housing pointless. And there's something about how getting your application in early giving you a better chance of getting the communities you request. Annnnyways, supposedly they're making it so the freshmen are better distributed around campus so you might have a shot. And I'm sure Morrison is pretty kick ass since I know a freshman now who's moving from his current room on North campus down to south campus to be in Morrison.</p>


<p>no, thats not what i meant, sorry i wasnt more clear. i heard from someone that they decide which applicant STARTS the cycle of housing assignments by using SSN. for example, if they pick a random order of digits that is closest to your SSN as opposed to someone else's, they'll start with your housing app and assign your dorm first. and then continue in some type of numerical order. if that makes any sense =]</p>

<p>Talked to a housing dude, there'll be freshmen in Morrison but not that many compared to everywhere else on South Campus. The Learning Community'll bring in attention from upperclassmen and the Supersuites are reserved for upperclassmen only. You won't find that at the other dorms.</p>

<p>ehaus south!! i love the fact that my roomies a robertson so we get our first pick plus new dorms :-D lol yall are more than welcome to come visit me in our a/c though when its blistering hot out! haha i need the a/c though...im from NY and id DIEEEE without it. :-P</p>

<p>Lol, no one neeeeds AC, it just makes life a good bit more pleasant. I remember the first summer after I moved to NC from NY I stayed inside the whole time in blasting AC wrapped up in a blanket.</p>

<p>I'm going to be in Parker where my roommate will be an RCC and she's already gotten her room assignment so I'll be in room pi! (314) Which is cool since it's a stone's throw from Ramshead.</p>

<p>I have no idea how my mom made it through her life in South Florida without AC.</p>

<p>As an update... I think I'm gonna be in Cobb! It was a hard choice for me to make because I want to be around a lot of freshmen, but I think I will be. And since I'm near-ish to classes I think people will want to come visit me. I hope! :) I'm gonna try and work with my future random roommie to try and make our room hospitable to visitors. GOB I'll visit you if you do the same! :)</p>

<p>^ for sure! you're rooming with sophia right? shes awesome and so are u so we will definitely be hanging!!</p>

<p>No, I'm not actually! I really have always wanted to do pot-luck because I'm insane. She'll be with a friend from her HS on South Campus I think. She is awesome though! :)</p>

<p>oh cool!! yea shes super nice. well potluck will be fun! i bet itll turn out great. most people seem to make it work</p>

<p>Yeah, I've heard the horror stories, but I'm pretty low maintenance. As long as they don't try and convert me, blast 'Creed' 24/7, or let their boyfriend sleep over every night, we'll probably get along.</p>

<p>Carmichael is under renovation for two years. I do recommend staying on south campus for at least one year. You will be better for it. I think that the larger dorms - Hinton James, Ehringhaus, Craige, etc. - are especially great for meeting new people.</p>

<p>So 2011'ers...where r u looking at staying at next year?</p>

<p>not south campus (it was an experience, but it's time to move on haha)!</p>

<p>i'm thinking i'll try for carmichael, cobb, winston/connor/joyner, and maybe teague if i have to..</p>

<p>Yeah I'm definitely done with South Campus. Glad I was there for freshmen year, but depending on who I room with, I'm hoping to end up in either Kenan, Grimes, or Cobb.</p>

<p>I'm staying with Kenan next year. This place is the ****.</p>