<p>My preferences (if you can't hand pick your houses): Kenan, Cobb, Morrison, and then whatever. From talking to my brother and his friends and people here, I really do think it's true that they're moving freshmen all over the place. My brother (a junior) lived in Hinton James, then Old West, and now lives off campus in a nice little house nearby.</p>
<p>Hinton James: I never felt like this place was too terrible, but I think people do take AC for granted. My brother, as well as many of his friends, got terrible rashes on their thighs and bad back-ne and facial acne because of how incredibly hot it was in there for the first and last month or so of classes their first year. It was also pretty common for everyone to huddle in the one room with AC in the suite. But there was definitely a sense of community on Hinton James...</p>
<p>My brother also said though that, because the North Campus dorms are closer to classes, he found himself crashing with the freshmen he knew up there between classes, especially in Kenan. He's always thought that living on North Campus is a good way to get people to come by.</p>
<p>Old West: My brother adored this place (although it wasn't too large) except for one problem: his roommate. He frequently got 'sexiled' and came to realize that what he thought was a double was a triple when his roomie's girlfriend would come in during any time of the day just to enjoy the perks of the nice room. This kind of experience, of course, can happen in any room in any dorm on any campus in any state anywhere. It could happen to you!! Hah, seriously though, my biggest fear is that my roommate will sexile me. He would've stayed there but by the end of his year he was so sick of dealing with the couple that he decided he'd just opt out of the housing system and get a nice single room to himself off campus.</p>
<p>If you haven't ever visited, Kenan is simply fabulous. Really pretty hardwoods, larger rooms, I think it's either recently renovated or built, great location (right by Franklin St. which makes the rush there after games a lot easier :), right by classes, near Lenoir (I think)), and to top it off they're actively trying to move freshmen there. I just couldn't be convinced to live in Hinton James when this place is staring me in the face. </p>
<p>Cobb is also nice, pretty close to Kenan so the location deal is the same. It was recently renovated and looks kind of like a cruise ship. I only got to look in a few rooms but they all seemed pretty spacious and neat to me!</p>