<p>I was denied admission by USC, and I'm pretty upset because it was my top choice. Anyway, they note in the additional page that if you feel like they didn't read your application fairly and/or you have new and compelling information you can appeal.</p>
<p>Has anyone ever said they didn't feel like their application was fair/ what constitutes "new and compelling" information? Better grades?</p>
<p>I was also rejected
I think they’re looking more for a situation ie. parent deployed, loved one’s death, etc. Any hard or rough times that can explain poor grades, scores, etc</p>
<p>@sunsetbeach Interesting. That would make sense. I figured something along those lines. Are you going to appeal?</p>
<p>@cherry160 I’m not too sure. I was offered the Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP), as I am a legacy student, but that would mean attending a CA community college for my freshman year and then reapplying. I’ve never imagined myself at a CACC and am very confused as to how it works. Were you also offered this option?</p>
<p>@sunsetbeach They didn’t use the specific words “Trojan Transfer Plan” but yeah, they did say that I can go to a community college and then transfer. Theoretically, can’t someone go to a four year college and transfer? I know someone transferring in next year after their second year at Berkeley.</p>
<p>I wish you luck in appealing!</p>
<p>@cherry160 “After reviewing your application, we determined that you are among a special group of students whose eventual enrollment at USC is of great interest to us… Such a plan may assist you in gaining admission to USC as a transfer student within the next two or three semesters.” </p>
<p>Did you receive that near the bottom of your letter?</p>
<p>and yes, I took a look at the transfer stats though and 50% come from CACC. 15% come from private CA universities (which would be me if I decided to attend my fallback school)</p>
<p>@milkmint thank you!!</p>
<p>@sunsetbeach Actually I didn’t hahaha I wonder what why they sent that to certain people.
and would you prefer to attend a CACC or a private university?</p>
<p>@cherry160 It’s supposedly sent to applicants with legacy and a select few of very exceptional students. I have legacy so thank goodness for that</p>
<p>But I’d rather attend a private university bc I’m not from Cali, so I’d like my dorming and what not to be taken care of. I think a CC is out of the question for me. I’ll most likely end up at some university and reapply as a transfer under the TTP. </p>
<p>Do you plan on transferring? What type of school are you looking at?</p>
<p>@sunsetbeach Well good for you! You’re a chosen one :p</p>
<p>And thats understandable. Transferring is always very plausible.</p>
<p>I actually doubt I’d transfer. I’ve got a lot of other awesome options. Some LACs and great private schools on both the east coast and west coast.</p>
<p>@cherry160 thank you!</p>
<p>Sounds to me like you’ve got yourself a bright future! Good luck with whatever school you decide on :)</p>
<p>Are you planning on paying an enrollment deposit at one of the other schools, and appealing at USC?</p>