What Could You Say For This SAT Essay?

<p>It's from Barrons.</p>

<p>Prompt: What do you think of the statement, "Nature (genetic inheritance) is more important in determining one's character and behavior than nurture (experiences)."</p>

<p>I talked about how it isn't because some of the greatest scientists, like DaVinci and Newton, were born to ordinary parents who did not exhibit superior intellect yet contributed greatly to science, and this was through their utilization of resources, such as books and in DaVinci's case, dissecting the human body to learn about it. For my second example I talked about how I was born with a physical handicap yet had a nourishing environment and because of that work hard and aim to succeed.</p>

<p>What examples would you use?
I would appreciate if you post your SAT essay scores as well.</p>

<p>I used a similar approach to my essay topic. In fact, I used Newton and Franklin to show that humble beginnings did not preclude success.</p>

<p>You could also go the other way and say that [insert smart person here]'s kid wasn’t amazing at life.</p>

<p>You could also use some science and say that your experiences turn off/on various genes, thereby affecting what your body does. I don’t know if it would be a good example or not, I’m just worried about my AP Bio exam that’s in 16 days…</p>