What Do I Do.

<p>I got accepted to NYU Tisch. In fact, I even got selected to be a Tisch Scholar, which only about 15-18 people in the whole class get.</p>

<p>Now, I want to go into film and theatre, so this is the greatest thing that could happen to me.</p>

<p>Also, I am TOTALLY POOR. I WILL BE IN MAJOR DEBT IF I GO. BUT I'M WILLING TO PAY THAT PRICE... Tisch, I know, is the best place for me.</p>

<p>However, I just got into Harvard. I was not expecting this AT ALL. I qualify for a FULL RIDE at Harvard (the Financial Aid Initiative)...</p>

<p>Um... WHAT THE HECK DO I DO??!?! Any filmmakers/theatre people who want to help me out there? </p>

<p>Yeah I know - what a "problem" to have - Harvard or NYU Tisch?
Basically life is great. But I'm still torn.</p>

<p>You have it all, just listen to your gut, you can't go wrong. Congrats, you must have woprked very hard!</p>

<p>Has NYU already sent you an aid package?</p>

<p>harvard.. its free and will look great and the obviously its an amazing school.. you will save soo much money.. u dont want to be over your head in debt when u graduate</p>

<p>congrats on both! u must be a rlly amazing student~</p>