What do i need for nursing @ UCLA or Michigan?

<p>I'm interested in UCLA's nursing program because I hear it's highly successful.
What would be some key things they look for in people who are applying?
(some stuff about me)
•<em>34 act
• 3.85 GPA
•</em>Strong extracurriculars
• By the end of senior year, I will have taken 23 semesters of honors/AP courses</p>

<p>Best nursing school is CSULB according to nursing program students.</p>

<p>looking for something ranked in the top 20.</p>

<p>You certainly have the academics. The one item you didn’t mention is some volunteer or paid work in a health care setting. </p>

<p>When my daughter went to do volunteer work in a hospital this summer, she was surprised that the larger hospitals didn’t have room for any more high school volunteers. She ended up at a smaller urban hospital, which may work out for the best.</p>

<p>you’ll definitely get into umich. it was my number 3 behind UVA and UDel. make sure you emphasize on your essay why you want to go into nursing/inspirations/passion, etc. I’d say start volunteering at a nursing home or a hospital.<br>
also a note on mich- LOVED ann arbor, its a great college town. However, it was kinda disappointing that the school of nursing was such a long walk away from the main hub of campus. also, I found that UDel actually had more advanced Sim mannequins than mich… (we have one that can be programmed to give birth to crack babies!)<br>
good luck in your search!</p>

<p>seriously, UM is hands down a better undergrad program than UCLA. I’m not kidding. I’ve visited both and have talked with AdComm at both. Clinical hours at UCLA: 700, beginning Jr year (after you’ve fought to get your pre-reqs in Fr/Soph). so you get 4 semesters of clinical work. UM: 1000+, 7 semesters.
UCLA’s undergrad (BSN) program is contracting (50 direct entry Fr down to 40)–it hurts me to say it, but this is true.<br>
Somebody tell me otherwise, then correct the AdComm who is giving out this information in person.</p>