<p>i just want to know what different prep schools want because i'm looking to apply for some very soon. i especially interested in andover. is there something that they look for in a person?</p>
<p>I think most boarding schools look for “well-rounded” students.</p>
<p>They want a dedicated, committed, intelligent, unique individual. They want the best student that they can get. If I said “Latin scholar”, and the next year they got 3,000 Latin scholars applying then it wouldn’t be special.</p>
<p>hey! i’ll use an analogy</p>
<p>a student for potential enrollment is like an ice cream. they must have a scoop, and a cone. the cone is what students have (sports, ecs, etc.) YOUUU have to make YOURRR cone sharp. woot.
and the scoop is supposed to have some kind of distinct flavor that admissions might go like “ohh! I remember that!”</p>
<p>But what is the cone’s SSAT score?</p>
i love that analogy.</p>
<p>guess what i was eating when i wrote that :)</p>
<p>Basically, tell them anything that makes you different. Anything at all. Also, when describing yourself, a thesaurus will be your best friend. A million kids are going to be “social” and “diverse”. Not so many are going to be gregarious and bubbly. (: But don’t pump it full of big adjectives… Back to that analogy with ice cream: An exotic (gregarious) flavor is nice, but once in a while one just likes some vanilla (kind.)</p>
<p>Haha. Did that make sense? (:</p>
<p>You should be good at academics, but since so many other kids are also good, if not better, it can only hurt you if your grades are bad. Schools do look for something that makes you stand out in one aspect or another, but moreover they want people who are decent. Although your self-description may influence their perception of you before your interview, the interview itself will make a lasting impression on the school about your character and personality.</p>
<p>thank you guys
this helped alot. </p>
<p>another question…
what kind of questions will they ask you during the interview?</p>
<p>they actually asked me once if i liked ice cream :D</p>
so random :P</p>
<p>but seriously,
what do they ask and what kind of answers do they look for?</p>
<p>usually creative, ORIGINAL answers.
so i do not advise you to reassemble the answers we used in interviews, just because it’ll sound more rehearsed than anything.</p>
<p>questions are pretty much in the same field. “why this school?” “why BOARDING school?” then standard stuff to clarify if you’re an only child, what school ur at now, what grade, what you enjoy, etc.
when you talk about what you like, this is a TIP (ie. not “answer” :D) - talk about something you actually like. if you only “actually like” TV, say TV. talk about your favorite shows (but this is when you should consider which ones would apply to the “grandma rule”)</p>
<p>etc. :D</p>
<p>grandma rule?</p>
<p>would you say it to your grandma?</p>
<p>ohh ok
<p>thnx :)</p>