What do students do for fun?

<p>Are there a lot of things to do on campus outside of class? Do a lot of the students go to Miami beach for recreation?</p>

<p>-Go to Coconut Grove for restaurants, bars, movies, clubs, shopping, and just walking around in a fun part of town</p>

<p>-Movies and more shopping at Sunset Place</p>

<p>-Downtown and South Beach for clubs</p>

<p>-House parties and frat parties</p>

<p>-Intramural sports. VERY big here.</p>

<p>-Barbeques, movies at the Cosford Cinema on campus, and other school-sponsored events like arcade night, inter-dorm kickball competition, etc</p>

<p>-Live sporting events. Football and basketball are obviously popular.</p>

<p>-Various school clubs</p>

<p>I don’t know about the Sunset Place thing. You’re much more likely to find middle-school kids and highschool freshman there than UM students</p>

<p>I think there are a lot more middle school and high school students there, but that’s only because there are a lot more middle school and high school students who live in the area. Sunset place is definitely popular with UM students, especially for movies and restaurants (and shopping, too, I guess).</p>

<p>How about pep rallies on campus? Do students attend?</p>