What do Trojans call UCLA?

<p>I'm sure all of you are familiar with names such as "University of Spoiled Children" or "University of Second Choice" given to USC by the Bruins.</p>

<p>However, I don't believe I've heard any joke names given for the UCLA. Since it's more well-known as its acronym than its full name (one characteristic shared among the two rival schools), I'm sure there is at least one name that SCers call UCLA.</p>

<p>I'm just very curious.</p>

<p>u clowns lost again..
university of caucasians lost among asians...</p>

Twigs (Branch of the real UC)
University of California Loaded with Athletes</p>

<p>i've always loved ugly caucasians living with asians</p>

UcLA (c = cents sign)</p>


<p>"A better school for a fraction of the cost."</p>

<p>My friend taunted how I'm applying to USC by calling it the University of Spoiled Children. I then retorted that UCLA is the University of Class-less Americans; she wasn't happy.</p>


<p>Man, you guys all got it wrong.</p>

<p>It's "Under Construction Like Always."</p>

<p>Now move along.</p>

<p>It's University of California for Low Achievers</p>

<p>Sorry for continuing the Asian theme...UC Lotsa Asians.</p>

<p>USC = University of Sexy Californians, University of Sexy Chicks, University of Succulent [insert word here synonymous with a feature of the female anatomy].</p>

<p>UCLGAY as well</p>

<p>usc= university of superior children</p>

<p>kindof vulgar, but I saw a UCLAIDS shirt today.</p>

<p>haha...this is fun</p>

<p>The Cal Extension Campus (similar to its formal official name of "University of Southern California Southern Branch")</p>

<p>and who knows...there might be a big budget cut (anything's possible) where all of the California schools become one system, resulting in "Cal State Westwood"</p>

<p>I personally like UCLaaaaaaaaame!!</p>

<p>Useless college of lost ambitions</p>

<p>...a bargain?</p>

<p>university of classless lost airheads</p>

<p>How about Fluke LA, or Cal Lite.</p>


<p>You get what you pay for.</p>