The UC game

<p>just out of curiosity, what kind of name have u heard associated with each of the UC schools (they might not be true, generally just stererotypes). This thread is NOT used bashing other UCs…but just clean family fun. ok anyway ill start. im headed for UCSD by the way, so dont think im just being mean to other UCs. feel free to add onto the list</p>

<p>UCB= havent heard of one
UCLA= Univ of Caucasians Lost among Asians
UCSD= Univ of California Socially Dead
UCSB= Univ of Casual Sex and Beer
UCD= ?
UCI= Univ of Chinese Immigrants, Under Construction Indefinitly
UCR= ?</p>

<p>UCD - University of Cow Dung
UCR - University w/ Crappy Reputation</p>

<p>UCR = University of Rejects
UCB = Berzerkeley also the People's Republic of Berkeley
UCI = University of Civics and Integras</p>

<p>UCR = University of California Rejects (oops sorry)</p>

<p>no offense. i'm chinese, by the way. i think some of u have mentioned some of mine already though.</p>

<p>UCI= Univ. of Chinese Immigrants
UCR= Univ. of CA Rejects or Univ. of Chinese Rejects
UCB= Univ. of Chinese Boys, Berserkeley etc.
UCSD=UC Socially Dead</p>

<p>UCR = Univ. of Retards</p>

<p>UCI = Univ. of Caucasian Isolation</p>

<p>UCSB - U Can Study Buzzed</p>

<p>UCSC = Univ. of CA Second Choice</p>

<p>UCSC = University of Crack Smoking Californians</p>


<p>...I think that's just something USC people say tho..</p>

<p>well, you guys already said most of them except this</p>


<p>WHEN UCLA lost to USC, I heard

<p>UCSB = Unicorns Can Sing Broadway</p>

<p>UCSB = Uniting C*** S****** B******
UCLA = University of Chinky Loner Asians
UCB = University of Chinese Bums
UCSC = University of Caucasians Surfing Crackheads
UCR = University of College Rejects
UCD = University of Cows and Dairy
UCI = University of Chinese Illegals</p>

<p>UCLA = Under construction like always</p>

<p>LMU- Low Mental Utilization</p>

<p>My friend thinks he made this one up, but I'm sure it's been around somewhere..</p>

<p>UCB = University of Chinese Bookworms</p>

<p>Im chinese btw, its amazing how many of these are geared towards asians... i cant wait to see how america is like in 50 years ;)</p>

<p>given China's current and projected rate of growth, i'll wager there won't be too many Chinese immigrants in the next 20, let alone 50 years.</p>

<p>economic growth, that is.</p>