<p>I got a 20GB recently for $300. I think 6GB was $250, so it was worth it to get a 20GB. I like the iPod because of its large memory and long playing time. However, I do wish that manually changing the battery didn't involve prying the case open. I bought a Best Buy warranty plan but my battery will probably last longer than the warranty. </p>
<p>Before the iPod I had a 256mb player that put a lot of bass through my cheap headphones. While the iPod doesn't have as much bass, the sound is less distorted.</p>
<p>Does anyone know about creative's zen micro vs. ipod minis? It seems like a better deal, since it also has a FM tuner and a gig more for $199. I'm not really interested in a 20 GB ipod since I don't have that much music and would rather not have something larger and heavier to carry around.</p>
<p>Creative's line has superior sound but an inferior interface. If you are not technically oriented, you may be locked into whatever music organization software is provided. With the slightest bit of effort, choosing the Zen Micro will pay off.</p>
<p>I wanted to get an mp3 player for jogging/ lifteing and decided on a 512 mb one. Now my choice is between the Ipod shuffle and the irever 795/895. Now the iriver has many more features, including a screen, FM, mic, and armband but costs $30 more than the shuffle. However, the shuffle acts as a usb drive for easy drag and drop. Are there any other benefits of getting a shuffle over an iriver</p>
<p>Get the iRiver. $30 is not significant when it comes to the Apple iPod line. A basic iPod shuffle armbandcosts</a> $30.</p>
<p>EDIT: iRivers store data just fine-- drag and drop style. This is more difficult on an iPod, actually, since you are require dto set the volume to disk mode before copying files.</p>
<p>I have an iRiver H320. IMHO, it's the iPod and more: it has colour display, sound recording, and picture/video viewing capabilities all built in. Of course, it doesn't have the same "it" factor as the iPod, but if you want the superior product...</p>
<p>It's around $340 for the 30GB Ipod Picture with color screen so you can view pics. I think that's the best deal on the market right now. I don't see why anyone would now buy the 20GB Black & White screen ipod for $300. It's well worth paying $40 more to get 10 extra GB and ability to store and view pics as well.</p>
<p>Thanks, Nom. I think I can handle finding some sort of music software that's not what it comes with and not iTunes (which is so much prettier and more useful than Windows Media Player).</p>
<p>I got a Creative Zen Touch (20 gb) for my birthday. I'm very pleased so far. Definitely look into it. If you have any questions, send me a PM and I'd be happy to talk about it.</p>
<p>@and1baller: GivenApple's overwhelming market saturation, people assume they're the only worthwhile company in the game. Buyers work their way up the price ladder, just as you have, $50 at a time. The entire iPod line steps up in $50 increments. Apple is a good company, but that's all they are: a company. They serve their own interests (and rightfully so). We, as consumers, must see through the fog.</p>
<p>I never said Apple was the only worthwhile company in the game. Other companies also make great MP3 players. I, however, have not seen a MP3 player that can rival the Ipod in terms of storage capacity, portability and looks. Other MP3 players fall short in one of the categories.. either they're too big or they don't have enough shortage capacity or are just plain ugly looking. I would not trade my ipod for any other comparable MP3 player out on the market right now.</p>
<p>Well, I have to hand that one to you. The technically superior competetition is truly ugly.</p>
<p>The Archos</a> Gmini xs200 is far too small and sleek compared to the Mini and Regular ipod lines. The iRiver</a> H10, with its higher capacity hard drive, color screen, lower-than-iPod-Mini price, and indulgent shell design isn't hip anymore.</p>
<p>Who the heck designed these things. . . Frank Lloyd Wright? I mean, JEESH they're awful.</p>
I, however, have not seen a MP3 player that can rival the Ipod in terms of storage capacity, portability and looks.
<p>There are plenty of 20+ gig MP3 players out there; iPod isn't the only one. As for portability, the iPod does have excellent support, with optional stereosystems and car kits. However, it's not as if there are absolutely no such hardware for other MP3 players. As for looks, I wouldn't say the iPod is cool looking as it is extremely well marketed. We're all told the iPod is cool because of its hip commercials and star power (like the commercial with U2, one of my favourite bands). I mean, the iPod is just a white thing with silver plating, what's so innovative or stylish about that? But thanks to its great advertising campaign, it's totally in.</p>
<p>Does anyone know when they'll start selling creative zen neon in the US? It really stinks I saw it on their website, but their not selling it around here yet :(</p>
<p>I just bought a zen micro (creative), and so far have been happy with it. Perhaps it isn't as "hip" as an ipod, but I don't think it's ugly, and for the same price it has a gig more storage and an fm tuner. The software it came with was pretty horrible, but it's also compatible with windows media player, and I've used that. It's a five gig microdrive player with a pretty blue backlight.</p>
<p>Minis do come with a belt clip, so I suppose it depends on how you plan on using it. As a girl, there's no way I would be able to fit one in my pockets, so I would probably just use the belt clip and not need a case, but if you're hard on electronics or going to be working out with it, I would think getting a case/arm band would be worth it. From what I've read, minis are very durable, they just might get scratched. Most cases don't protect the screen, which is the part most likely to be damaged.</p>
<p>As a Mini owner, I highly recommend getting a case. You can get soft rubbery-plastic protectors for $30 (iSkin). Yes, they're grossly overpriced, but so is the Mini itself. It comes with the territory.</p>