what do u think?

<p>you have about 2 months to make a difference, academically. and about a couple more months to do something amazing. In in sincere opinion, I think Harvard is a long shot for you. If you were a sophomore, that's a different story. sorry.</p>

having a recommendation letter from a guinness world records winner for hosting the largest cultural event in the world (he gives an excellent recomendation, talking about how well i sang in many of his events)


<p>Speaking as a 2012 harvard admit.. please, please DON'T pull this kind of b-s. Nobody cares if you get your recommendation from a guinness world record holder or the local district garbageman. This isn't impressive, it's annoying and attention-seeking. It's more important that your recommendation comes from someone who truly understands your character than that it bears the name of some unknown guy who made it into a records book for hosting a cultural event.</p>

having a grandfather who was a governor of MULTIPLE states in india


Can he donate Harvard upwards of $10 million? How does his government position make you a desirable candidate for Harvard?</p>

<p>Your stats are a little under-the-bar for an ORM male.</p>

it surprises me to hear you compare a guinness world record holder to a local district garbage man. his recommendation was very insightful, as his family and my family are very close. he really understands how compassionate i am about singing, the hours i spent at rehearsals, how culturally devoted i am, and how i helped at many of his events.</p>

<p>as for my grades, i most certainly agree with you.</p>