what do you find more annoying: religious proselytizers or vegetarian proselytizers?

<p>and why?</p>

<p>personally, i dont really find either annoying. i sympathize a lot with vegetarian proselytizing since vegetarianism is the only thing that can increase the earth's carrying capacity (at least temporarily)</p>

<p>Religious ones, because it’s such a sensitive issue. I myself am agnostic, and I’m not against the idea of God at all, but you can’t push me into believing in Him.</p>

<p>I think the religious ones are annoying. The vegetarian ones, in my opinion, at least have a valid point.</p>

<p>All of the “religious” proselytizers I know are atheists and do it with more than a hint of condescension. So, I guess them. But vegetarian proselytizers are pretty annoying too.</p>

<p>Atheists trying to force their views down ur throat are pretty annoying. I have no probs with atheists in general tho, just the sermonizing ones. Same with religious people who try to convert you too.</p>

<p>hahaha, religious ones. & for the record, i have yet to meet a proselytizing atheist, but have met plenty of proselytizing religious people, & know about equal numbers of both.</p>

<p>Proselytizers tend to be annoying, weather I support what they say or not.
Is that the right ‘weather’? I always forget. There are so many of them</p>

<p>No, you needed to indicate partly cloudy, whether it is partly cloudy or not.
I find religious proselytizers more annoying. “No, sir, I <em>don’t</em> want your <insert name=”" of=“” religious=“” text=“”>, which is why I’m walking on the very edge of this sidewalk. Isn’t it illegal to solicit this close to school <em>anyways</em>?"</insert></p>

<p>Then we get into veg/non-veg proselytizers. As long as they’re not shoving meat down my throat, I can always ignore them. :)</p>

<p>The Jehovah’s Witnesses can be fun. They actually like to argue for their views and debate you.</p>

<p>There’s no such thing as a sermonizing athiests?</p>

<p>I am agnostic, though I pretty much believe that there is only ONE God, so that pretty much nails me down to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. I like the ideas behind Catholicism, but the “hierarchy” system makes me mad b/c the people in it are so hypocritical. Maybe I should personalize my religion: Liberal Catholic :D</p>

<p>Religious ones by far</p>

<p>Animals are real. God isn’t. Don’t bother me with stories about your imaginary friend.</p>

<p>But I would love to be approached by someone who believes in the ancient Greek gods (my favorite)</p>

<p>The vegetarian ones would get under my skin more.</p>

<p>Considering that I am a vegetarian proselytizer on occasion, religious proselytizers. My religion doesn’t believe in proselytization, anyway.</p>



<p>I just added this to my bucket list.</p>

<p>Vegetarians, easily, in my mind. I can usually get religious people off of my back by explaining that I’m honestly ambivalent towards organized religion. I don’t think it’s right for me for now, but I see its benefits, so most religious people leave me alone.
Vegetarians however, automatically judge me for enjoying meat. They seem more condescending and judgmental to me. Might just be where I live though.</p>



<p>See this? I guess it isn’t proselytizing, but it is both incredibly annoying and offensive. </p>



<p>How are you agnostic if you believe in God? I know a = without and gnos=knowledge, but usually, agnosticism precludes both knowledge of and belief in a deity.
The way Hinduism is practiced now, it’s pretty much monotheistic, with BrahmAn* as the central deity. So, I suppose Sikhism is monotheistic too, since its Islam+Hinduism. Just trying to make you aware of the world of options open to you XD.</p>

<p>People seem to be just waiting for a chance to say something offensive about people they don’t agree with.
@leafblade1354: Lawl, thanks</p>




<p>HUGE difference there. :P</p>

<p>^Lulz lulz lulz, Just realized that. That would be a very interesting change to Hinduism. I’ll edit it to fix.</p>

<p>i think that both religious and vegetarian proselytizers are annoying. if i want to eat meat or if i choose not to worship any sort of higher being, you trying to make me feel bad about it only going to irritate me to no end.</p>