What do you guys do over the summer break?

<p>I know it's early but I need to start thinking about what I'm going to do this summer because things like internships or jobs need a little preplanning. Plus, I sort of wasted this winter break and I don't want to do the same thing this summer. Ideas?</p>

<p>same here! i’m a freshman and i was excited to have a longer winter break, but I didn’t plan ahead at all, thus ended up wasting time…So I’m thinking ot getting an internship/job/volunteer/travel. I’m planning to take summer program offered at school too.</p>

<p>High school comment: I find it hilarious how all the college kids come home all excited to be on break, then a week later find themselves bored out of their minds and moping around at home doing nothing. </p>

<p>You should just find a job or something that’ll take up a lot of your time.</p>

<p>19 cr of summer school, hooray!</p>

<p>Either working full-time at my internship or taking some additional courses.</p>

<p>Last summer, I took a class and had a government internship.</p>

<p>This summer, I’m hopefully doing research at two different universities.</p>

<p>freshman and sophomore summers: took classes (fr- comm college, so- my college), last summer I studied abroad in France. This summer (summer after I graduate…) who knows??</p>

<p>This summer, I’m just going to chill, hangout, and work a little for some money.</p>

<p>Next summer, probably study abroad in Moscow.</p>

<p>This summer I will hopefully participate in a math REU. Last summer I was working for the computer science department at my college.</p>

<p>If you are interested in sciences and your college has some sort of summer research grants for students, try to find out who usually gets those. I was surprised to learn that many of these grants at my college went to freshmen. Or maybe it makes sense because sophomores and juniors have an easier time finding off-campus internships and research opportunities, especially if they already did “research” in their freshman year. REUs are another option for science majors.</p>

<p>this past summer, I studied abroad in St. Petersburg for a month and then took a math class when I got back. 10 credits in all. this summer I’ll probably be going to Germany</p>

<p>working, interning, and taking courses =)</p>

<p>I’m going to work and save up money for the school year. :slight_smile: I might try to find an internship, too. I’ll also be studying for a test that my school offers so that I don’t need to take Political Science while I have the time, and probably looking into study abroad opportunities.</p>

<p>this summer i’m just going to work and take advantage of my city. hella picnics!</p>

<p>I’m trying to apply for a research grant so I can do a project abroad. :)</p>

<p>Working as many hours as I can and taking as many classes as I am allowed so that I can get the boring classes out of the way!</p>