<p>Not necessarily "trendy" but what you see many people wear... idk.</p>
<p>I'll start:</p>
-sagging pants: it just makes your legs look shorter, and i don't want to see your ass falling out
-shutter shades
-super tight pants, ew
-baggy pants
-plugs/gauges: it's freakin' gross unless it's super super tiny
-bull nose rings, snake bites
-wearing girls' jackets
-too fashionable = appear metro
-asian fob style
-long white socks
-emo/goth style
-too much cologne, ewww
-six packs/guys who are too buff</p>
-striped sweaters
-vneck tshirts, as long as it's not too vneck
-kinda skinny jeans, but more like straight jeans
-nice nike kicks
-messy but clean hair
-slightly muscular
-guitar-playing XD lol</p>
<p>ETA: just to give an idea for guys, many of my guy friends hate uggs, leggings, and gladiator sandals...</p>
<p>dislikes: (forguys)
-wearing all one brand all the time, especially AF/hollister and Urban Outfitters
-those super bright ridiculous sweatshirts that have too much going on
-high school kids with hair thats too long/bad haircuts. youre not devendra banhart, youre just gross.
-skater shoes if you dont skate</p>
-sharply dressed young men
-skinny jeans
-dress pants
-skinny ties
-suit jackets
-semi androg fashions
-interesting glasses rather than contacts, but not fake glasses
-putting effort into their appearance
<p>I’m a girl, but I still have to say, I judge you when you wear a combo of North Face + jeans + Uggs every single day. Also, this obsession with Twilight needs to stop. Seriously.</p>
<p>Guys in skinny jeans (who are skinnier than I am). Shudder.</p>
<p>^^hm, i actually don’t like it when a guy puts in too much effort. it looks good when they look like they just threw something random on, yet it’s casual and not ugly. and i’m not into formal wear when it’s not the occasion…</p>
<p>^ oops. really? you must have more, or disagreements! :o</p>
<p>Weeeelll since you asked for arguments: a six pack isn’t necessarily TOO buff is it? and the kind of guys who wear striped sweaters generally annoy me. Just saying.</p>
<p>I like to see a girl who dresses to accentuate their butt/bust, tight jeans/skirts and low cut shirts are my favorites, but not too much to look like a slut, I like when girls put a lot of effort into their hair, little amount of makeup, highlights are cool, but not enough to defer from your normal color, and yeah.</p>
<p>I don’t like when girls dress too slutty (way too low shorts), I don’t like too plain girls that put no effort into hair/clothing, contacts over glasses (just a personal preference), don’t like bangs for most girls (although some can do it while looking hot), brunettes over blondes (I feel like they have more flavor).</p>
<p>Personally, I’m a polo person/jeans/khakis/somewhat messy hair.</p>
<p>Edit: Oh yeah, I don’t like when girls just stare at me, but refuse to talk to me during class. If you really want me to be interested in you, talk to me or something? :)</p>
<p>I think that as a general rule, pointless staring is just creepy. And confusing because I’m thinking “hey guy A ,What is going on in your head?”</p>
<p>I dont like it when its obvious a guy spends more time on his hair than I do… but i don’t like bald/near-baldness either.
or preps/skaters/gangsters… basically I prefer someone who’s hygenic and smells nice but doesn’t spend as much time over appearances as I do (it makes me feel better when i’m having my bum days). But that doesn’t mean they wear the same clothes everyday or are geeky/slobs.</p>
<p>I like preppy… jeans and a sweater thats pushed up to the elbows makes me week at the knee… pointy dress shoes are ew and so are jeans that are falling down… I second/third/fourth anyone who said I DONT NEED TO SEE YOU BOXERS! lol either pay to get some jeans that fit or invest in a good belt. </p>
<p>Cons are damn awesome but I dont like guys who spend too much time thinking about their shoes, or their outfits or who like shopping more then me. Okay fine maybe not who like shopping more than me cause thats most people, but let people just pretend you come together like that naturally. </p>
<p>Sometimes I do the pointless staring, but not on purpose. I zone out ALL the time and it gets really embarassing when your studying in the HUGE study room at my local library cause you end up starting at some complete random and then when you snap out of it they are normally sitting there giving you the biggest “what the hell” look</p>
<p>and I know I’m a girl but seriously the whole uggs and short skirt/shorts thing really irritates me… its either too hot for the uggs and the right weather for the skirt/shorts or too cold for the skirt/shorts and the right weather for the uggs… for god’s sake make up your mind.</p>