What do you llike least aboout Harvard ?

<p>So is it the TAs ? </p>

<p>Boston life ?</p>

<p>The way people judge you (albeit in a positive light) when you drop the H-bomb?</p>

<p>The final clubs ?</p>

<p>The girls ? the guys ?</p>

<p>And whatever reasons you guys can think of.</p>

<p>P.S. this ids not meant to bash Harvard i love the place and wa nt to go there for all my degrees but even the best of men have flaws and I am just wondering what Harvard's flaws are.</p>

<p>the cute nerds you’re interested in are all prudes -.-</p>

<p>lol That my chances of attending are almost nil…</p>


<p>In a nutshell. :(</p>

<p>French Aa and the general consensus that I’ve gathered that intro level Romance Language courses are much harder then the upper level courses.</p>

<p>Well, my biggest qualm is that it doesn’t seem “spirited” if you know what I mean. I realize that is completely intangible, but whatever.</p>