What do you think of my junior year schedule

<p>I want to be a teacher, also what can i expect from these?</p>

<p>English 11 H
Algebra 2/ Trig
Physics lab
Creative writing
Childhood Development
Childhood Education

<p>This looks painfully easy.</p>

<p>Depending on what your options are, it looks pretty challenging. Maybe you can self-study for AP Psychology. Most teachers today are not getting a BA in education, there getting a degree in what there interested an then get a masters in education or a teaching certfificate. For example if you get a BA in Political Science and History you can get a masters in teaching, and be certified for History and/or Civics</p>

<p>PS. I think its AMAZING you want to be a teacher XD</p>




<p>“This looks painfully easy.”</p>

<p>really… -______-</p>

<p>and yes maybe ■■■■■???</p>

<p>@seattlebulldog thank you.</p>

<p>Guys i’m not a ■■■■■ LOL</p>



<p><em>sees original post</em></p>



<p><em>sees schedule</em></p>

<p>It’s fine</p>


<p>trololol, you’re definitely a ■■■■■.</p>

<p>How is this schedule painfully easy?? Because she’s a normal high school student who takes algebra junior year instead of advanced multivariable calculus like some of the kids on here?
Stop being so condescending…</p>

<p>It’s a rigorous schedule…</p>

<p>Alright everyone you need to consider that my school only offers, 1 AP junior year and unlimited senior year. I would be in full honors, but i chose to be put into regular classes because i am not extremely good in math and I don’t want the honor class to mess up my GPA (4.0 UW). Also Since i only need 22 credits to graduate I chose to take extra electives because I changed my program from last year and I’m behind in the prerequisites, for the course I want to take my senior year.</p>

<p>@gazoz918, thanks. I look at the kids who are like sophomores taking Calculus and I’m like um? Yes I do care about my grades but I also have a life and studying 10 hours a night is not my thing :/</p>

<p>Should be fine.</p>

<p>How about this?</p>

<p>AP Biology
AP Macro
Honors Physics
Honors Pre Calc
Spanish II
English III

<p>11 classes?? How long is your school day? I barley survive with six classes.</p>

<p>@statlanta really good.</p>

<p>IDK because a lot of kids on here looking to go to Northwestern, UCLA, USC, University of Michigan, Duke, UNC Chapel - Hill, Stanford - basically top publics and some good privates - have like AP Physics, AP Calc BC, AP Chem, all before senior year when I won’t take those until senior year. I’m doing some self-studies (AP Comp Gov, AP Psych, and AP Eng Lang) but is my schedule rigorous enough for these schools? I don’t really care if it stands out, as long as it’s in like the middle 50% or so.</p>

<p>I have 9 periods a day, gym and physics lab switch every other day and so do sociology and psychology</p>

<p>Its moderate. And about average.</p>

<p>Compared to a lot of other users on here eyeing Yale and Princeton, your schedule is in fact, easy. If you refuse to believe that, then you shouldn’t have bothered asking…</p>

<p>Junior year is typically the hardest of the four since kids go all-out AP. I also take 9 classes, with 5 APs.</p>

<p>Your class choice is fine (socio/physchology) for your career path. The rigor is average, but if you toss in AP Chem or Physics, AP Lang, or foreign languages, then the rigor will prove your academic dedication.</p>

<p>It isn’t a must, but it will set you higher.</p>

<p>My school only offers 1 AP junior year. This is because in NYS there is a math and science requirement that needs to be fulfilled before you can consider taking an AP course. Next year I do plan on taking more APs and if all goes as planned I should have 5 by the time I graduate. Also unlike most users on here I do not plan on going to ivy league school.</p>