<p>I just don't get it....why attack someone's religion? It's not like we are currently living in a peaceful world. The remarks by the Pope are certainly unacceptable and I believe that the Pope needs to apologize since he is the head of the Roman Catholic Church. </p>
<p>As a Muslim convert, there are a few things that I can clarify about Islam. Firstly, Islam was not spread by the sword!!! Anyone who claims or thinks that is clearly being ignorant. In fact, in the Holy Qu'ran-e-Shareef, it has been said that "Let there be no compulsion in religion for the truth has no error". Forcing someone to convert is haraam (prohibited). </p>
<p>I certainly do not believe that Islam can spread from Spain to the Phillipines by the use of force. It is encouraged within Islam to give Da'wa (invite people to Islam) but converting forcefully is totally prohibited and whoever does so is going against the basic beliefs of Islam. </p>
<p>Now, with that said, we must look at the reasons why these "radical" muslims restort to violence. First of all, I totally reject the methods of violence that these radicals are using and also using Islam as means to gain support within the public. For I believe more in peaceful talks and guidance than to restort to violence. However, we must look at the current situation going in the Islamic World. The invasion of Islamic countries and imposing democracy as means to govern their countries are means to wipe the influence of Islam. We must recognize that the Sharia (Islamic Law) prevails any other form of law within Islamic countries. There is no separation between "church and state" in Islamic countries. Therefore, by invading countries and trying to "westernize" those countries are means to impose their ideologies. Thus, according to the Holy Qu'ran-e-Shareef, anyone or any country trying to weaken the influence of Islam is considered an "enemy of Islam" and the Qu'ran gives permission to Muslims to defend their faith at all costs. Given the two perspectives, it might look like violence to a few and it might look like defending your faith to others. With this situation and the cartoon situations, I certainly believe that remarks from the Pope served as an catalyst for hatred especially when the Pope is considered the authoriative figure in the Roman Catholic Church. </p>
<p>Lastly, before I leave, I want to address my concern to the posters who claimed that the Qu'ran "DEMANDS" a Jihad and that the only solution to end all of this violence is to bomb Mecca. Let me mention that Jihad is probably the most misunderstood term within the Qu'ran. If anyone has read the Qu'ran in its entirety will know that the term Jihad means "Struggle" and NOT "holy war". Crusades were more like a holy war since it's purpose was to convert all the Muslims in the middle east to Christianity. However, Jihad is referred to struggle or resisiting. Examples are.....Having a Jihad from drinking alcohol, pre-martial sex, gambing etc. Basically, Jihad is necessary to prevent you to commit a sin. In extreme cases, Jihad is needed to prevent any aggression to Islam as it was needed during the Crusade times. </p>
<p>My last comment is to the idea that Mecca needs to be bombed. I would just like to say that committing this stupid act would lead into a world war that would be considered as the "Mother of All Wars". </p>
<p>I hope my excerpt gives you a little interpretation of Islam and not what the "media" wants you to know about Islam.</p>