What do YOU think?

<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>I've been feeling overwhelmed lately, with classwork, family stuff, and ECs. My solution was to drop my AP Statistics class...I picked up a guidance internship instead.</p>

<p>This is my schedule now:
Yearbook (editor)
AP Calc
Guidance (formerly AP Stats)
AP English Literature
French 4 Honors
AP Spanish
Physics Honors</p>

<p>2 APs last year: History (4 on test) and English Language (5)</p>

<p>Do you think my dropping this class will negatively impact my chances for admission at top tier colleges like Amherst, Bowdoin, Colby, Skidmore, etc.? I probably would not have done well in the class, and the withdrawal will not be on my transcript. It will simply be one less striking "AP" on my transcript. BTW, I'm majoring in English.</p>

<p>What do you think? Any input appreciated!</p>

<p>if lightening up the load improves your overall grade performance, im sure dropping was the right idea</p>

<p>generally i reccomend to take the hardest classes you can without losing sleep consistently</p>

<p>With 3 AP and 2 honors this year, you're clearly not a slacker. But I'll bet you could write a great essay on why enough is enough and too much is too much. It would really come from the heart and give the AdComm a real picture of who the person is behind the great stats.</p>

<p>Also, (JMHO) a school that felt you hadn't taken the most rigorous load possible will likely be admitting lots of kids without your balance and good sense and you'd just have to keep fighting the same cr*p for four more years. Enjoy this year and then have a great time at a wonderful school that wants you the well-rounded person, not a stressed out kid.
Best of luck</p>

<p>Thank you both so much :]
Yes, we must not underestimate the value of sleep!</p>