What does SUNY Geneseo have to offer?

<p>It's that time of the year, where acceptances are rolling around in my school and we are waiting patiently for the RD schools - Geneseo being one of them.
Just curious to know:
*For current students: what do you like/dislike about Geneseo? What should I know about it?
*For prospective students: why did you choose Geneseo?</p>

<p>Also by any chance can someone chance me?
GPA: 3.9
SAT: 1750 <a href="they%20are%20a%20bit%20weak,%20I%20believe">1130 CW+Math</a>
ECs: I am in a myriad of ECs, including leadership positions.
Essay: Probably my best component of my application. At least, it was one of the best things I've ever written.
Recommendations: Great!
I plan to major in Biology with Pre-Med advisory; any tips?</p>

<p>Thank you so much :), it is greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Hey, current freshman here! You’re probably in, based on that but it always depends on how competitive it is. My stats weren’t as good (3.7/29 ACT) but I think my essay and recs compensated.</p>

<p>I really love Geneseo. I originally didn’t want to go but I did because of financial issues, and I’m glad I did. My least favorite things are the hills, the erratic a/o cold weather, the fact that older buildings are hot as hell the first few weeks of school, and the prevalence of Greek life. All relatively minor things.</p>

<p>I love that Geneseo is a small school - if you take initiative, it’s really easy to form close relationships with your professors. The professors I had first-semester were all really great and I’ve already had some great opportunities. There are a ton of student organizations and I found that’s the best way to make friends with similar interests, and it’s really easy to get involved early if you’re interested. </p>

<p>Our campus is beautiful and we have GORGEOUS sunsets from the gazebo (one of the perks of hills)! The people are, overall, really friendly. Most people are pretty smart too. I’m not interested in Greek Life, but if you know people, you can usually get into parties or other organizations have parties. I have older friends who said it hasn’t been hard to have a social life without being in a sorority or a frat. Just know that they do understate the prevalence during tours and such.</p>

<p>In my classes, I’ve been pretty challenged, but I’ve also learned a lot. I’m an English/Phil major currently, so I don’t know what it’s like with Bio or Pre-Med - I will tell you, though, that the running joke is that every freshman is bio pre-med during orientation and half of them drop the major by second semester. :)</p>

<p>Other miscellaneous things: I’ve had good experiences with the health center, I used the career center to look over my resum</p>

<p>Well thought-out. I love it. Hopefully I get accepted, it’s my number 2 choice. I seem as if I’m on the same boat you were on when you were applying. Wasn’t quite sure what to expect, and don’t really intend on going here, but depending how things pan out financially; it will be one of my top considerations. Also, it’s pretty nice to hear about the frats, (although an overabundance, doesn’t sound that enticing hehe) I was interested in learning more about the Greek life, and maybe even rushing (still tentative, but we’ll see)
Few things I’m concerned about.
-It seems that this school is truly into its liberal arts program - with that in mind, I am wondering how this will affect me, as I will be a Science Major. Will I be well-prepared, will Geneseo give me the necessary tools I need to have a better chance in standing out come Med-School time. (I know you’re no Bio major, but maybe a friend can shed light on the topic?)
-I am aware that there is a town adjacent to Geneseo (never visited so this is just from what I hear), can you describe how lively it is? Is it lively at all? Not that I plan to go EVERYDAY, but I just would like to know if there is stuff I can do on my spare time.
-What I hear, is that you truly make life long friends in your dorms (which I can’t say about 90% of colleges now), is there any truth to this? The people do seem friendly, everyone on this forum at least; it’s nice to have a friendly environment surrounding me in my opinion. I personally am a REALLY friendly person,an optimist and a peer mentor to many - it seems like a good fit.
-Last one I promise, what dorms do you recommend for freshmen year and why?</p>

<p>I know I’m BOMBARDING you with questions, I’m sorry - I’m just interested in the school and would love to learn as much as I can.</p>